Lamar Invitational Track Meet March 24, 2018 Schedule of Events
Times are estimated
8:00am Coaches Scratch Meeting-Home Locker Room/East End of Track Please have scratches completed by 8:30AM
8:30am Coaches/Officials Meeting Home Locker Room/East End of Track
900am Field Events Begin:
Shot Put- both Girls and Boys (2 rings)
Discus - both Girls and Boys (2 rings) Long Jump - both Girls and Boys (2 pits) Triple Jump- both Girls and Boys (2 pits) High Jump - Girls-then-Boys
10:30am Girls 800 Meter Medley Relay-----------------------Final
10:45am Girls 3200 Meter Relay- --- --------Final
11:00am Boys 3200 Meter Relay----------- --Final
11:15am Girls 100 Meter High Hurdles------------------------Final
11:30am Boys 110 Meter High Hurdles------------------------Final
11:45am Girls 100 Meter Dash-----------------------------------FinaI
12:00pm Boys 100 Meter Dash------------------Final
Lunch Break
1:00pm Girls 800 Meter Relay----------------------------------Lanes All the Way
1:10pm Boys 800 Meter Relay----------------------------------Lanes All the Way
1:20pm Girls 1600 Meter Run---- ----------------1 Curve Stagger
1:35pm Boys 1600 Meter Run------ -------1 Curve Stagger
1:45pm Girls 400 Meter Relay----------------------------------Lanes All the Way
2:00pm Boys 400 Meter Relay----------------------------------Lanes All the Way
2:15pm Girls 400 Meter Dash-----------------------------------Lanes All the Way
2:35pm Boys 400 Meter Dash-----------------------------------Lanes All the Way
3:00pm Girls 300 Meter Low Hurdles-------------------------Final
3:20pm Boys 300 Meter Intermediate Hurdles-------------Final
3:40pm Girls 800 Meter Run------ --------1 Curve Stagger
3:50pm Boys 800 Meter Run------------------------------------1 Curve Stagger
4:00pm Girls 2 00 Meter Dash-----------------------------------Final
4:15pm Boys 200 Meter Dash-----------------------------------Final
4:30pm Girls 3200 Meter Run-----------------------------------1 Curve Stagger
4:50pm Boys 3200 Meter Run-----------------------------------1 Curve Stagger
5:10pm Girls 1600 Meter Relay---------------------------------1st Runners in Lanes
5:25pm Boys 1600 Meter Relay---------------------------------1st Runners in Lanes
5:30pm Awards can be picked up in the press box