LCC Ag Club Hosts Fall Ag Olympics
Lamar Community College students and faculty turned out for a fun morning at the Ag Olympics held on Friday, December 2, at the LCC Equine Complex.
Six teams, comprised of 20 students and two faculty members, competed in events included the egg toss, wheel barrow race, sack race, goat roping, an obstacle course, and goat dressing in which they had to put underwear on a goat.
“See all of the different students participate in all of the events was very entertaining,” said Ag Club President Paige Dempsey. “I feel that friendships were made and everyone had a blast.”
“This is the best activity we’ve had on campus this year!” said Mia Cory, who serves as the LCC Student Body Vice President and was part of the Ag Olympics winning team.
Three student teams took the top spots in the competition. First place and the “Golden Boot” went to team “Trump That” including team members Daniel Strain, William Chumley, Blake Ridgeway, and Mia Cory. Second place went to Casey Day, Levi Morris, Chet Adams and Holly Anderson of team “Trump Train.” Larissa Royer, Mikayla Sharpe, Ashten Marchant and Abby Conley of the “Four Stooges” came in third.
After the competitions, everyone enjoyed hamburgers courtesy of the Ag Club and cooked by Levi Morris and Daniel Strain.
The event was organized by members of the LCC Ag Club including Levi Morris, Chet Adams and Casey Day who set everything up and recruited participant.
“The Ag Club did a great job of organizing and running this event,” said Greg Cash, LCC Ag department chair. “It was great seeing students from all across campus getting together on a very cold day and having a great time.”
Plans are underway for the next Ag Olympics, which the club plans to host each semester.
The Ag Club would like to extend their thanks to everyone for attending the event and helping to make it a success, and remarked that it was great seeing faculty members Deanna Siemsen, Val Reifschneider, Dr. Susan Hoffman, and JJ Rydberg there to take part.
For more information regarding Agriculture at Lamar Community College or the Ag Club, visit www.lamarcc.edu or contact Greg Cash at 719.336.1628 or gregory.cash@lamarcc.edu.
Photo: The “Golden Boot” winners including Daniel Strain, William Chumley, Mia Cory and Blake Ridgeway.