LCC to hold virtual financial aid and scholarship information night July 8
Lamar Community College (LCC) will be holding a virtual information session on available scholarships and financial aid at the college July 8, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.
Representatives from the college’s financial aid department and LCC Foundation will offer advice and answer questions on common topics related to financial aid and scholarships for LCC students. For those who cannot attend the event, the recording will be available on the LCC website as well.
LCC Foundation Executive Director Anne-Marie Crampton said the college makes every effort to provide assistance to all kinds of students.
“If you think of financial aid and scholarships as opportunities to layer aid in order to cover some or most of a student’s cost of college attendance, then it makes sense to apply for as many as possible. A majority of our LCC students qualify for at least one, sometimes more,” Crampton said. “Financial aid and scholarships can be confusing. We want to help clear the mist and make aid accessible to everyone. Holding this session should be a great opportunity to learn more about how to make college affordable.”
Currently there are thousands of dollars in scholarships for many different kinds of students, including nursing, agriculture, business, horse training management and more, but deadlines for these scholarships are rapidly approaching. Many of the scholarships are made available through the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative (COSI), which allows students to apply for multiple awards at the same time with just one application. On average, students complete their scholarship applications in roughly 20 minutes.
The college is encouraging current and future students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to qualify for state or federal grants and loans. A link to the FAFSA is available at lamarcc.edu/admission/paying-for-college/financial-aid/. ASSET (Advancing Students for a Stronger Economy Tomorrow) students may choose to submit the Colorado Application for State Financial Aid (CASFA) available at cdhe.colorado.gov/casfa. Completing these documents and potential verification requirements early will give students and families a better idea of what to expect in aid this fall, according to Crampton.
LCC students have access to the financial aid department to help with questions and additional paperwork as needed. The college’s Educational Opportunity Center can also assist students and families to complete their FAFSA.
To join the information session, click this link on July 8 at 6:00 p.m. https://lamarcc.edu/admission/paying-for-college/scholarships/