McClave School switches to remote learning due to positive COVID-19 test
Dear McClave School Community,
We need to let you know that a member of our school community has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. As a result of this positive test, we are going to remote learning for all 9th – 12th grade students for the next two weeks. These students will resume in person learning on Monday, November 16th. All high school activities for the next two weeks have been suspended. We will continue with in-person learning for grades Pre-K through 8th grade.
Students in 9th – 12th grade will need to make sure they log on to Google Meet during their regularly scheduled class time. We will follow the same schedule as we would during in-person learning.
We have worked hard to try to keep this virus out of our building, and we are thankful for the success up to this point. More details will be sent out over the next few days on what this means for the rest of the school. Some activities may be rescheduled, and others will be cancelled. Please monitor communication from the school via text, Facebook, and our website.
We will continue to do our best to communicate with health officials, staff, and parents as we navigate this virus. We appreciate your support and will continue working together to overcome this challenge.
Mr. Holmes & Mrs. Howe