North Sterling State Park Opens to Boating Saturday
Boaters will be pleased to learn that North Sterling State Park will open to boating Saturday, March 4. To protect Colorado’s water from aquatic nuisance species (ANS), boaters leaving a lake or other waterway should:
CLEAN all mud, plants or animals from the hull of your boat.
DRAIN all the water from the boat, live well and lower unit of the engine.
DRY the boat and contents before the next launch.
Boaters are reminded that boat inspections for aquatic nuisance species (ANS) are required and that they will need to contact park personnel for an inspection at 970-522-3657.
If ANS are detected on any of the watercraft, decontamination is required. To speed up the inspection process, boaters are encouraged to clean, drain and dry their vessel, including removing the plug to drain the water, before they launch for the first time this season. After that, owners should do so every time they leave the water.
By mid-April, park staff hopes to have the inspection station open seven days a week with longer hours on the weekends. Information regarding inspection changes will be released later.