Hand inserting a piece of paper into a ballot box in front of the Colorado flag.

Notice of Election - Kiowa County Fire Protection District

© iStock - Niyazz




TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the electors of the Kiowa County Fire Protection District of Kiowa County, Colorado:


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held on May 5, 2020 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  The Board of Directors of the District have designated the following polling place: 


Eads Community Building located on Highway 287, on the Fairgrounds in Eads, Colorado


At said election, the electors of the District shall vote for Directors to serve the following terms of office on the Board of Directors of the District:


The names of persons nominated as Director for a THREE-Year Term                                                     


DIRECTOR DISTRICT ONE:                             Delton Eikenberg


DIRECTOR DISTRICT TWO:                            Terry L. Riley

                                                                        Eunice M. Weber


DIRECTOR DISTRICT THREE:                         Jay D. Specht



NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that an eligible elector of said district for the purpose of said election is a person registered to vote andwho has been a resident of the District, or who, or whose spouse or civil union partner, owns taxable real or personal property within the District, whether said person resides within the District or not, or a person who is obligated to pay taxes under a contract to purchase taxable property within the District shall be considered an owner of taxable property for the purpose of qualifying as an eligible elector.


NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that independent of the county voter lists, applications for permanent absentee voter status in special district elections must be filed with the Designated Election Official of the special district(s) from which you wish to receive mail-in ballots by May 1, 2020. An application form, for mail-in voting in Kiowa County Fire Protection District elections, may be obtained by calling Karen Jones, DEO at 720-442-6359.

Applications may be submitted by mail to the DEO of Kiowa County Fire Protection District, at mailing address: PO Box 792, Eads, CO 81036, or via email to .


NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that applications for and return of mail-in voter ballots may be filed with:


Karen Jones, Designated Election Official of the Kiowa County Fire Protection District  

PO Box 792, 

Eads, CO 81036      

or by phone: 720-442-6359.    



Karen Jones, Designated Election Official


Published April 17, 2020

In the Kiowa County Press