Notice of Hearing by Publication - Estate of William I. Bodge
PURSUANT TO § 15-12-1303, C.R.S.
In the Matter of the Estate of: WILLIAM I. BODGE Deceased
Case Number 18PR30012
To all interested persons and owners by inheritance:
James W. Bodge, Teresa L. Chramosta, Michael R. Zook, and Robin L. Kuhlman
A petition has been filed alleging that the above decedent died leaving the following property:
An undivided 1/8 interest in and to the minerals and mineral rights lying in, under, and upon the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Seventeen (17) South, Range Forty-five (45), West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Kiowa County, Colorado.
The hearing on the petition will be held at the following time and location or at a later date to which the hearing may be continued:
Date: January 2, 2019
Time: 8:30 a.m.
Courtroom or Division: District, 1305 Goff Street, Eads, Colorado 81036
The hearing will take approximately 15 minutes.
- You must answer the petition within 35 days after the last publication of this notice.
- Within the time required for answering the petition, all objections to the petition must be in writing and filed with the court.
- The hearing must be limited to the petition, the objections timely filed and the parties answering the petition in a timely manner
Date: 11/01/18
/s/ Teresa L. Chramosta, c/o Cure & Bain, P.C.
P.O. Box 370
Burlington, Colorado 80807
First Published November 9, 2018
Last Published November 23, 2018
In the Kiowa County Press