Obituary – William Todd Benson
William Todd Benson
July 5, 1970 - April 13, 2020
William Todd Benson was born in Germany July 5, 1970.
Todd visited several other countries and locations within the United States throughout his life, with his walk with God coming to an end Monday evening, April 13, 2020. Todd no longer walks with the Lord, for he is dancing with Him forever more.
William Todd Benson was blessed with an incredible spirit seeking adventure and joy; laughter followed Todd any place he went. Todd loved his family as much as any man could, consistently sacrificing anything necessary to ensure his family’s safety, guidance, and happiness.
Todd was an incredibly devote worker. His passion and creativity blossomed when he worked for Rees, an architecture firm. When Todd decided he wanted more time with his family, he left Rees and selflessly poured himself into serving in the Air Force. Through hard work and dedication, he worked his way from the base mechanic shop to Senior Master Sergeant.
William Todd Benson made an incredible impact on each individual he encountered. Todd embodied joy and was the pillar for a man of God.
In the time before we meet Todd again, he will be embracing those that have gone before him, including his first-born son, William Tyler Benson, and his Gram Gray and Papa.
William Todd Benson will be missed dearly by each individual that was blessed to love him, including his family. Todd walked through life with the Lord, and chose to spend his time on earth with an incredible woman he made his wife: Lisa-Dawn Benson. He will be celebrated daily by Lisa, as well as their living children, William Cody Benson and Kristen Anne Benson.
Todd was not only an incredible father, but also an unforgettable grandfather to the young children he held close in his heart: Leonydous Sepora Lloren, William Theodore Benson, Sephora Rayne Platt, and Arabella Grace Platt.
Todd's mother, Judith Anne Benson, undoubtedly played a pivotal role in guiding Todd towards greatness and encouraging him to follow his love for the Lord. Todd's father, William Carl Benson, molded him into the man the world got the privilege of loving and cherishing. He will be greatly missed by Judith and William.
Todd is also survived by his only sibling, Gina Goss. Gina was not only blessed to be a part of his life as the rest of his family was, but also blessed Todd in return. Gina had a unique ability to bring out the most joyous side of her brother, Todd.
William Todd Benson will be greatly missed by each individual he touched throughout his life.
Todd was laid to rest at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, April 17, 2020.
Arrangements were under the direction of Barnes Friederich Funeral Home.