Obituary - Bradley Phillip Allen
Bradley "Brad" Phillip Allen
April 27, 1956 - August 15, 2021
Bradley Phillip Allen passed away Sunday, August 15, 2021 at his home in Arapahoe.
He was born April 27, 1956, the second child of Don and Ruth (Yarbrough) Allen.
He grew up and attended school in Arapahoe, where he attended all 12 years and graduated in 1975.
After high school while working the family ranch, he realized his true passion was for ranching and the cowboy lifestyle. Brad was very well known for his active role in the community, he especially loved the Cheyenne County Fair and Rodeo. His love for the rodeo started when he was a bull fighter where he kept the bull riders safe. As his love for the rodeo continued to grow, he soon came to realize his true passion was team roping and cattle penning. His involvement in these activities positively influenced local area youth in finding their individual passions and made a powerful impact on the community.
Brad was a simple man who enjoyed the simple life, living on the family ranch where he was surrounded by the things he loved the most, his family, the outdoors and his livestock. He also was a dedicated employee for Cheyenne County Road and Bridge District #3 for the past eleven years.
Brad married Carol (Poggendorf) Krentz August 6, 1983, in Arapahoe. Brad became an instant father to three children, Chad, Mindy, and Keith. A fourth child, Ben, was born into the family in 1989. Brad and Carol lived on their ranch southeast of Arapahoe while raising their children, managing a cow/calf operation and raising horses.
Brad had a rough and sometimes gruff exterior but was known for his tender heart and will always be remembered as Papa Bear to his grandchildren. He was known for his tight hugs, personalized quality time, always making his children and grandchildren feel special and loved.
Chad remembers: Being the mad mamma cow distractor as dad roped and tagged calves while running for my life. Chad also remembers his devout love for their two children and how much enjoyment he got out of them.
Mindy remembers: Having her daddy wrapped around her finger. He would do anything and everything for his kids, grandkids, and family. He was the dad that didn’t have to be, I will cherish and hold that in my heart forever. I will be forever grateful that he decided and chose to be my daddy.
Keith remembers: The life lessons that only dad could teach. Getting pulled out of school to help work and brand cattle will teach you far more about life than school ever will.
Ben remembers: Riding pens together and the way Dad taught him how to anticipate the movement of cattle while on horseback
Carol will forever remember this simple man who had a heart of gold! He took her and her three children in and made them his own. Together they had their fourth child that completed their little family. He was her best friend who always held her hand. Each day will be a silent battle to survive another day without him.
He is survived by his wife, Carol Allen; children-Chad and Shae Krentz of Wiley, Mindy and Nathan Trice of Peyton, Keith and Lindsey Krentz of Fort Morgan, and Ben Allen Kayla Brick of Weskan, Kansas; seven grandchildren, Mykayla and Tate Krentz, Callie and Darek Trice, and Dylan, Zaiden, and Josie Krentz; parents, Don and Ruth Allen; sister, Cathy and husband Ward Greenwall; brother, Mark Allen; and numerous other close family and friends.
Memorial contributions may be made to the Brad Allen Memorial Fund, in care of Eastern Colorado Bank, PO Box 888, Cheyenne Wells, CO 80810.
Arrangements are under the direction of Brown Funeral Home