Obituary - Yolanda "Lonnie" Lee Hier
Yolanda (Lonnie) was born April 2, 1952, in Lincoln Nebraska, to James Chiles and Lois (Boeve) Chiles. She was the first grandchild in the family and was treated like a little princess. She was joined by a brother, James Russell, in July of 1956.
Lonnie (Yolanda was much to formal for her) attended school at Sterling, Nebraska, and graduated from high school in May of 1970. Later that year, she married her childhood sweetheart, Tim Hier. They moved to Lincoln, and Lonnie began a career in secretarial work, while Tim was a letter carrier for the Postal Service.
In 1973, Lonnie gave birth to a son, Christopher James, and, approximately two years later, another son, Jeremy Lee, was born. The boys were a real hand full. Jeremy once went around the neighborhood turning on all the water faucets. Another time, he pretended to be the mailman, like his dad, and picked up mail from some houses and delivered it to others, but not necessarily the right ones. The neighbors were very tolerant of them. Jeremy once set the dry evergreen bush on fire while playing with fireworks, and the fire department had to be called. It was quite a surprise to Tim when he got back from the store. Life was always exciting in the house.
The little family moved to several homes in Lincoln, but in July of 1998, Tim and Lonnie decided to take a huge step and moved to Denver. The boys were both out of school and going their own way. Tim was now a supervisor with the Postal Service, and Lonnie got a great job with a medical education company. Lonnie had to facilitate the seminars they put on. As you may guess, doctors don’t care to go to Podunk junction for training. They prefer more exotic places such as Bermuda; the Bahamas; the Virgin Islands; Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada; Aruba; and San Francisco. Lonnie had to be at the seminars for a short time each day but was free to explore the remainder of the time. Tim could go along for the price of a plane ticket. Needless to say, they took advantage of this great opportunity as often as possible, and they had some wonderful vacations.
Lonnie had moved on to several different jobs at that time. Tim put in 35 years to the post office and retired in 2005. Afterwards, he took a job at State Farm Insurance while Lonnie moved on to several different jobs in the medical field. She loved medicine and often regretted that she hadn’t gone to nursing school.
They missed their children back in Lincoln, and moved back to be closer to them in 2016. However, the weather in that area was not conducive to either of their mental or physical health. Having friends in Eads, they decided to give small town living a try. They fell in love with the town, and the people. Lonnie enjoyed this atmosphere until she passed away December 12 of this year.
She will be cremated, and there will be a ceremony of life January 6, 2023, at 11:00 a.m. at the senior citizen center in Eads. Her remains will be scattered among the Rocky Mountains at her request.
Thanks to all the people who have shown their love and support to Tim and the family.
Arrangements under the direction of Brown Funeral Home.