
Pages from the Past - From the 136-year history of the Kiowa County Press - November 19, 2023
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago - November 14, 2008
- Over $800 of Eads Bucks (paper script issued by Eads Chamber of Commerce) remained unspent.
- Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: The Wild Horse Club served dinner election day in the old pool hall in Kit Carson. They fed a lot of people and did pretty well money wise.
- The Board of Directors of Eads Consumers Supply Co. Inc will have two public meetings concerning the future of the Coop Elevator in Haswell.
25 Years Ago - November 13, 1998
- Kiowa County Commissioners expressed concern over a recent incident at the lakes and at a recent prairie fire northwest of Eads. Residents boarded county equipment to use it. Anyone not employed by the county is not authorized to drive county equipment and must not use it.
40 Years Ago - November 18, 1983
- Cathy and Burl Scherler were selected Outstanding Conservationist of the year for Colorado by the Colorado Association of Soil Conservation Districts.
- At a special meeting by the Eads Town Board, an application for tavern license at 1307 Maine Street was unanimously denied.
- To win a food basket given away by the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary, guess the number of pennies in a jar.
50 Years Ago - November 16, 1973
- Quick action of the Eads Volunteer Fire Department kept a fire from turning into a disaster at the Haswell Lumber Company in Eads. The cause was believed to have been a spark from a nearby incinerator, which apparently landed on the roof of the lumber company.