
Pages from the Past - From the 137-year history of the Kiowa County Press - September 8, 2024
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago - September 4, 2009
- Farm Credit of Southern Colorado donated $10,000 to aide in construction of a new building at the Kiowa County Fairgrounds.
- Seven equine cases of West Nile Virus have been diagnosed in Colorado.
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: Watching Wheel of Fortune, a fellow on there said he grew up in a small place called Sheridan Lake. His name was Brad but missed his last name.
- Kit Carson Clips- Marilyn White: On our way home, we practically stopped to let 12 wild turkeys go across the highway. Sure wish Curtis Schrimp would keep his turkeys off the highway.
- As The West End Turns- Michelle Wyckoff: My sister was kind enough to go with me to pick up my phone. She programmed it for me on the way home. 1 Ringy Dingy, Serena how do you…2 Ringy Dingy, Serena how do you..3 Ringy Dingy, Serena how do you … 4-5-6 Ringy Dingy. How dare she change her cell number?
25 Years Ago - September 3, 1999
- Kiowa County RE-1 school staff express concern over a proposed staff handbook.
- Mathew Miller and Katy Williams, graduates of Plainview School, each received Denver Bronco/Janus Foundation “Scores for Scholar” Scholarships in the amount of $4,000 over four consecutive years.
- Nursing Home News- Nellie Nickert: We have received three notes back from out balloon lift in May. They came from Sublette, Kansas; Dallas, Texas; and Pineville, Louisiana.
40 Years Ago - September 7, 1984
- A meeting was held for concerned Kiowa County citizens about a proposed 250-bed medium security prison facility.
- Doctors Fuhrman and Hadley have each accrued over $18,000 in accounts receivable over the past year. This may indicate their services are being utilized and needed, but also shows some people are not paying their bills.
50 Years Ago - September 6, 1974
- Ted Cameron resigned as Kiowa County Undersheriff. He has accepted a job at Ulysses, Kansas, which he stated has “higher pay, better job security, and more future advancement.
- Kip Peck of Eads and Kent Johnston of Arlington received a champion ribbon in the Agricultural Speech Arts division and a trip to the National 4-H Conference for their demonstration on uses of various beef by-products.