
Pages from the Past - From our 131-year Archives
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
August 8, 2003
- West Nile virus has now been confirmed in Kiowa County, one horse died on July 27 from the virus.
- Wild Horse Roundup-Curtis Schrimp: I discovered something that my eyesight is good, but my memory don’t work so good. I saw people I have known many years but their names I have trouble with.
25 Years Ago
August 11, 1993
- With the upcoming school year, Plainview School will have some new faces. And some not so new faces. It looks like the class of 1986 couldn’t stay away. Lori Shalberg, Mark Scott and Philip Splitter have been hired for coaches. Lori head coach for girls basketball and volleyball. Mark head football and boys basketball and Philip will be assistant football coach.
- Eagle Vision LLC would like to announce its grand opening.
- Virginia Culver Snyder, a native of Eads and daughter of the late W.H. and Hilda Culver, religion editor for the Denver Post will be on a plane with Pope John Paul II when he travels from Rome to Denver.
40 Years Ago
August 11, 1978
- After a long delay due to lost papers and red tape bureaucracy, the Eads Recreation Parlor finally reopened its doors under new owner Jerry Adamson.
- A highway roadblock was established about 7 miles east of Eads on Hwy 96. The roadblock was the result of information received by the highway patrol that there was a possibility 2 convicts who had escaped from the Colorado State Penitentiary, were headed for Kansas.
- Senior Citizen News-Ethel Johnson & Rhua Sloan: The Widows Club will host their monthly luncheon with Mrs. Carrie Roberts being honored, it’s her 91stbirthday.
50 Years Ago
August 9, 1968
- The Editor received a telegram from Congressman Frank E. Evans which states the Arlington Post Office would remain open.
- Depot Hearing Continued to August 26. Witnesses on behalf of the Town of Eads were too numerous to be heard in one day. Taking up considerable time was a hearing to close the depot and agency in Ordway. Although no formal delegation was present form Ordway to defend their case, evidence relative to the matter was presented as a matter of record
75 Years Ago
August 6, 1943
- Missouri Pacific Railroad is searching for an additional water supply in Eads.
100 Years Ago
August 9, 1918
- It was announced at Eads that a new oil company is to be put in the field for the purpose of testing the deep sands in the known oil structures of Kiowa County. The company will be known as Nee-No-She Oil Co.