
Pages from the Past - From our 135-year Archives for July 17, 2022
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
July 13, 2007
- Alexa Roberts: In her speech to 400 people at the National Trust Restore America Gala at Union Station in Washington DC, Mrs. Bush highlighted high school youth from Eads Colorado.
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: Marty had phone calls about a black bull roaming round Wild Horse. She went and checked, thankfully hers.
- Kit Carson Clips- Marilyn White: A large crowd gathered at the Collins Ranch to celebrate the 100thanniversary of the Collins C Bar Ranch.
25 Years Ago
July 11, 1997
- The Town of Eads recently purchase a new $31,000 Chevrolet Tahoe for use as a patrol vehicle.
- USDA Update- Rod Johnson: Wheat harvest is progressing and generally yields are good. Market price around $2.80 bushel, which is terrible. Our office is anticipating a lot of loans.
40 Years Ago
July 9, 1982
- Approximately five miles of lumber was scattered over the highway in a tractor-trailer accident which happened at the intersection of Colorado Hwy 96 & 287 at the underpass in Eads.
- Sign on marquee said the Plains Theater to open soon. Jack Gardner, George Crow and Bob Richards have been busy remodeling the theater.
50 Years Ago
July 14, 1972
- The FBI is assisting the local sheriff’s office in investigating the theft of several vehicles in the area. Thefts in Cheyenne Wells, Towner, Eads, and Tribune, Kansas, range from a half ton truck to tools and at least one gun.
- County Commissioners from Baca, Kiowa and Prowers counties have secured federal funds to put into operation programs of each county which will enliven the lives of senior citizens.
- The Eads Chamber of Commerce voted unanimously to adopt a resolution supporting the establishment of a permanent pool in the Great Plains Reservoirs.
75 Years Ago
July 11, 1947
- Mountain State Telephone Company asked for a revision in exchange telephone rates. Main business phone will raise to 25 cents a month and residence phones 15 cents.
100 Years Ago
July 14, 1922
- Most destructive storm ever known sweeps over the county. The storm was 20 miles in width and created havoc and destruction at the beginning of Kiowa County’s greatest wheat harvest. The damage will easily exceed a half million dollars