
Pages from the Past - From our 136-year Archives for April 23, 2023
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
April 18, 2008
- Larry Michael named Citizen of the Year. Lance Jagers & Eads High School FFA club named Volunteer of the Year. Thunderbird Bumper to Bumper was Business of the Year
- Keagan Gonzales, eighth grade student at Eads Middle School received an invitation to attend the Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.
- Kit Carson Clips-Marilyn White: It was sad to see the Trading Post Restaurant close its doors last week.
25 Years Ago
April 17, 1998
- EagleNet Technology TEAM project will provide computer training for community members and senior citizens. Funds, equipment, and training for the project came from the US West Foundation.
40 Years Ago
April 22, 1983
- Craig Scott, sophomore at Plainview School, won second place honors at the Colorado State Science Fair held at CSU in Fort Collins.
- Two pounds of butter and 5 pounds of cheese will be given free to senior citizens of Kiowa County.
50 Years Ago
April 20, 1973
- At the quarterly breakfast meeting, the Colorado State Sheriff’s Posse Association discussed the “Trail Ride” and the annual state convention and gymkhana. Other business included the annual queen contest and a proposed bill to legalize marijuana.
75 Years Ago
April 18, 1948
- John M. Givan of Arlington killed a huge bobcat out on Adobe Creek. The bobcat weighed 50 pounds and was 4.5 feet long.