Recorder’s Notes: Election Updates
By Delisa Weeks
Kiowa County Clerk and Recorder
- Is your registration up to date?
- Is your address correct or did you add a PO Box, had a name change, want to change your party affiliation?
- If you are not sure about your registration information, contact our office at delisa.weeks@state.co.us or 719-438-5421 for assistance.
- Make your corrections today to ensure you are able to vote for all of the candidates and issues in your area.
- Check your voter registration information at www.govotecolorado.com.
If you have moved you may be inactive. Inactive voters will not have a ballot automatically mailed to them for the November 8, 2016 Presidential General Election. Ballots are not forwardable to your new residence. The Post Office will send the ballot back to our office as undeliverable. The address would need to be corrected by the voter and then at that time a new ballot will be issued. A little planning upfront would help so that you receive your ballot in a timely manner.
- October 17 – 21, 2016: Ballots will be mailed to all Active eligible electors.
- October 17, 2016 Monday: Last day to submit an application to register to vote through a voter registration drive. (no later than 22 days before the election)
- October 31, 2016, Monday: Last day to submit an application to register to vote through the mail, a voter registration agency, a local driver’s license examination facility, or online to receive a ballot in the mail for the General Election. (through the 8th day prior to the election)
- November 1, 2016, Tuesday: Last day to file an absentee ballot application to receive the absentee ballot by mail if you are absent from your home address.
- October 31, 2016, Monday – November 8, 2016, Tuesday: Voters can register to vote, obtain a replacement ballot or drop off their mail in ballots in person at the Kiowa County Clerk & Recorder’s Office 1305 Goff Street.
- Kiowa County Clerk and Recorder’s Office will be open on Saturday, November 5 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. for ballot drop off.
- November 8, 2016: ELECTION DAY
Kiowa County Clerk and Recorder’s Office is open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 1305 Goff Street Eads, CO 81036
The Clerk’s Office can be reached at 719-438-5421 for voter and election questions.