Santa Fe Trail Upcoming Events
November 12: Bent's Fort Chapter, meeting, lunch and presentation on Amache Ochinee Prowers, 11:00, Rawlins Heritage Center, Las Animas, Colorado
November 19: End of the Trail Chapter, Santa Fe, NM, meeting and presentation on "Frenchmen on the Santa Fe Trail", 1:30, for more information,505-820-7828
January 15, 2017: Wet/Dry Routes Chapter meets at Kinsley, KS, lunch and program, 620-285-3295
September 27-30, 2017: Santa Fe Trail Association, Symposium, Olathe, KS
September 20-28, 2018: Santa Fe Trail Center Rendezvous, Larned, KS
September 25-28, 2019: Santa Fe Trail Association Symposium, St Louis, MO
September 24-26, 2020: Santa Fe Trail Center Rendezvous, Larned, KS
September 22-26, 2021: Santa Fe Trail Association Symposium Bent's Old Fort NHS, La Junta, CO