Speakers announced for 35th annual High Plains No-Till Conference
The Colorado Conservation Tillage Association has announced that Jason Mauck, Jim Gerrish, and Don Day Jr. will be featured as keynote speakers for the 2023 High Plains No-Till Conference February 7-8, 2023, at the Burlington Community and Education Center in Burlington, Colorado.
Headlining the event will be Jason Mauck, a proponent of relay cropping who is blazing a new path using cash and cover crops in unison. Mauck works 3,000 acres of corn, soybeans, and wheat in addition to 25,000 hogs each year. His company, Constant Canopy, develops cutting edge farming methods and uncovers clues toward greater farming efficiency.
Jim Gerrish, an independent grazing lands educator, consultant, and writer, will serve as the second keynote for the event. Gerrish currently lives in central Idaho and works with numerous ranchers using irrigated pastures and native rangeland. His experience includes over 22 years of beef-forage systems research and outreach with the University of Missouri, which encompassed many aspects of plant-soil-animal interactions and provided the foundation for many basic principles of management-intensive grazing.
The final keynote speaker for the High Plains No-Till Conference will be President and Chief Meteorologist of Day Weather, Inc., Don Day Jr. For over 25 years, Day has provided customized broadcast weather services to over 70 radio stations across Wyoming, Colorado, and Nebraska. For this event, he will contribute his expertise in long-range and seasonal weather forecasting as it relates to agricultural producers in the High Plains region.
The two-day conference will also showcase more than 40 breakout sessions presented by producers and industry experts on topics such as direct marketing, interseeding, regenerative grazing, soil health economics, wheat stem sawfly, estate planning, and more.
“The 2023 conference will highlight soil health work being done by producers throughout the High Plains region,” said CCTA Coordinator Joni Mitchek. “It will be a great opportunity to visit with these producers and learn from their experiences.”
Registration and additional details for the conference are available online at https://highplainsnotill.com/