Summit Set for School and Health Professionals
The Rocky Mountain Prevention Research Center from the Colorado School of Public Health is hosting the Healthy Eaters, Lifelong Movers (HELM) Summit for school and health professionals from Southeast Colorado and the San Luis Valley on October 19th at Otero Junior College in La Junta.
Research shows that investing in kids’ nutrition and physical activity has many benefits for their health and well-being, including lower rates of obesity and disease, and higher academic performance. The Summit will celebrate the accomplishments of local schools in their efforts to create healthier learning environments and share new and exciting opportunities to continue this important work in the community. The HELM project is funded by The Colorado Health Foundation.
The HELM Project consists of 2 programs: Assess, Identify, Make It Happen (AIM) and the Physical Education Academy. In AIM, schools put the latest best practices in place to increase opportunities for physical activity and healthy eating during the school day. The Physical Education Academy provides support to schools to implement high quality physical education using an evidence-based curriculum and by providing professional development and one-on-one support form a master teacher.
The HELM Summit is free. Registration details and information are available at www.ucdenver.edu/HELMregistration Questions? Please contact Elaine Belansky (elaine.belansky@ucdenver.edu) or Nick Cutforth (nicholas.cutforth@du.edu).