Thoughts, Things, and Trivia by Jack – February 13, 2024
Good readers, I did not finish the writing about politics, left out sources for verification and/or tracking change. The root of today's politics began with the Greek philosophers; Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, during the Roman period Marcus Aurelus's Meditations showed how our own judgement is the best weapon against the abuses from the misuse of politics.

Today, since the International Socialist Conferences from 1946 through 1950, Stanford’s Hoover Institute; the British Academy for the Promotion of Historical, Philosophical, and Philological Studies; and JSTOR Academia are safe places to go to for verifiable sources of information. Other institutes of higher learning have allowed the curriculum and archival papers to be cherrypicked and tainted by the socialist agenda. An aside, the passage of the Freedom of Information Act revealed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has an extensive collection of papers. The success of their assignments depends on their knowledge of politics. So, good readers, remember that politics, good or bad, impact your life.
The posting on Facebook by Chuck Bowen of Valentine Day cards got me reminiscing. When I was attending school in Wild Horse, the teacher would have the students make five cards for Valentine’s Day, five themes and five recipients. Some of the kids were artistic and worldly wise.
Another endorsement for the rural environment (Middle of Nowhere, No fly Zone, whatever!): I have been having health problems since the middle of October and did not have the ability to move outside my safe space by driving or walking. When the community became aware of my situation, banking and mail were taken care of, people did my grocery shopping, picked my medicine, and brought a meal or two. Thanks!