Tips for Managing Lower Back Pain
For many, the reality of their existence is one spent in chronic pain in their lower back. Whether it just be the effects of our body aging or the result of an injury earlier, this is a condition capable of impacting every facet of your life. But there are things you can do that reduce the everyday aches. Here are our top tips for managing lower back pain.
Fix Your Posture
Good posture is essential for reducing discomfort near your spine, especially when performing manual tasks such as work or sports. Even if you are stuck listing to your blowhard coworker describe his rather boring weekend in his annoying circumlocutional way, remembering to focus on your posture even helps drown out drivel. Avoid slouching and keep your spine straight to prevent injuries.
Similarly, it is also important to maintain good posture while sitting. It doesn’t matter if you are in your home or lounging in your outdoor living room; back straight with feet firmly planted is the best position for sitting, and remember to avoid hunching towards computer or television screens.
To Ice or Heat?
If you are involved in an injury that impacts your lower back, remember to use ice for the first 24-72 hours to help reduce swelling and ease the pain. After 72 hours, use heat to help relax the tightened muscles. Try to keep sessions to less than 20 minutes to prevent skin damage from ice and heat.
Personal Health
Your personal health also plays a role in killing the aches. One of the most essential tips for managing lower back pain is to take care of your health. This includes maintaining a good diet and plenty of movement. Stretching before any physical activity like sports and exercise helps reduce the chances of injury. Plus, staying active prevents muscle stiffness and sores from not using them.
Improve Your Sleep
The position you sleep in is another potential cause of your lower back pain. Even if you can’t control it while asleep, you can still position your body with good posture before you drift off for the night. This makes you more likely to maintain it throughout the night. And, of course, firmer mattresses are more likely to provide the support you need. Consider replacing your old mattress if it is more than ten years old.