Town of Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes – December 10, 2024
Regular Council Meeting
December 10, 2024
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Joe Shields at 4:50 P.M.
Roll call was taken by Robin Fox. Those council members present are
- Tuck Liebl,
- Fred Derby,
- Dennis Pearson,
- Kathy McCracken,
- Mayor Joe Shields,
- Rich O’Brian
- Stephanie Sewell
- Mikahael Rogers, assistant Town Clerk,
- Van Brown, Director of Public Works,
- Trent Rittgers
Eric Pearson was present as a new member of the community.
Sheriff Bryan Williams was present and let the board know that as of the first on 2025 they are going to start cracking down on driving offenses, like crossing the double yellow line, blinkers not being used, and yielding to right of way. These are just a few of the things that will be ticketed for.
Stephanie Sewell, made a motion to approve the November minutes that were presented. Dennis Pearson seconded the motion. All Aye
A motion was made by Kathy McCracken to approve the bills and seconded by Fred Derby. All Aye.
Roger Saffer has not made the corrections yet to his lease that was presented a few months ago. Will table again and board will reach out to him again to get this done. He is past getting this contract done!
Ordinance to adopt the budget was presented, Stephanie Sewell made a motion to accept the budget as presented, Fred Derby seconded. All Aye
Ordinance to set the Mill levies was presented, Tuck Liebl made a motion to accept the ordinance as presented, Rich O’Brian seconded, all Aye.
Ordinance to appropriate sums of money was presented, Fred Derby made a motion to accept the Ordinance as presented, Dennis Pearson seconded, all Aye
Betsy Barnett was present to give the update on the building that will house the library, she is waiting for the contract and is expecting it any time, and she will make sure the office has a copy of this once she gets it.
Raises- 3 percent annual raises were discussed and Kathy McCracken made a motion to approve a 3 percent raise for Mikahael Rogers, Michael Romero, and Donte Sierra but Randy Paradeis will get a 5 percent raise as he has not had one in 10 years. Stephanie Sewell seconded and all Aye.
Trent Rittgers will be the new director of public works starting January 1, 2025 and he and Robin Fox wages are set by the state under exempt employees.
Bring up Items- There has been a number of concerns regarding one piece of property within the town limits, the safety of someone getting hurt, and the number of skunks and cats are also a concern with this piece of property. Trent will reach out to the owner and see what their intentions are with the property. The board would at least like to see the house boarded up on all windows and doors.
There is another piece of property that seems to be putting stuff in the middle of what is supposed to be an alley this was discussed prior, Robin will reach out to the attorney and see what happened with this.
Executive Session- They board went into executive session at 5:48 to discuss Van’s retirement with him.
Joe Shields, Mayor
Robin Fox, Town Clerk