Town of Eads June 14 Meeting Minutes
Town of Eads June 14 Meeting Minutes
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Shealynn McCracken, Assistant Town Clerk, took roll call:
Mayor – Joe D. Shields- present
Trustees – Present –Dennis Pearson, Terry Riley, and Kathy McCracken
Absent-Justin McLoud and Larry Gifford
Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Absent
Assistant Clerk- Shealynn McCracken-Present
Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Present
Audiences/Public Comment Period – Cindy McLoud was present but did not have anything to comment on during this time.
Consent Items
Minutes- Terry Riley moved to approve the minutes with corrections, Dennis Pearson seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Dennis Pearson moved to approve payment of the bills in the packet, as well as, the “Bring up bills” presented at the meeting. Kathy McCracken seconded, the motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
No Old Business
New Business:
Liquor License Amount- Shealynn McCracken explained how the board needs to make a decision on setting local liquor licensing fee amount for new liquor licenses. Dennis Pearson moved to have a flat $150 local liquor license fee for new liquor licenses. Terry Riley seconded, the motion passed unanimously.
Animal Permit- 3 4-H animal permits were approved. Kathy McCracken moved to approve the 3 4-H animal permits. Dennis Pearson seconded, the motion passed unanimously.
Fire District- Mayor Shields explained that the town lawyer, Stan Kimble, approved the IGA contract, and how the board would rather do a memorandum of understanding. Cindy McLoud explained that the county was trying to get the IGA contract signed, but thought a memorandum of understanding would work. The board decided to set up a special meeting on June 21, 2016 @ 5 p.m. when the board would then look over the service agreement as well as discuss more about the IGA contract.
Water Grant Fund- Van explained to the board that he had a meeting with the entities involved in the water project, and they did say that the town would qualify for the 0% loan. The grant funding is on hold as of right now with DOLA, and as of right now the water project is on hold.
Bring Up Items:
Van asked the board what type of signage the board would like to see on the intersection of Lowell and Rittgers, for the road to All-Rite Paving. The board suggested that Van should use a stop sign at that intersection.
Van informed the board that the boiler did go down at the pool last week. He explained that he was able to get it up and running again but it is leaking.
Van mentioned to the board that he will start sending out weed letters, and that a notice has been published in the paper.
The board decided to have a clean-up day on June 30, 2016.
With nothing else to come before the board the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Shealynn McCracken, Assistant Clerk