A Tribute to Judy – Part 22
MAY 31, 1938 – AUGUST 8, 2023
Part 21 was published January 15, 2024, and can be found here. This week's entry is by Judy's long-time and close friend, Sabra Clarke.
On a beautiful day in 1974 my husband, three of our children and I moved to Hanover, Colorado. Our oldest boy, Gerald, was going to be in the eighth grade, David was going to be in the seventh grade, and the youngest, Justin, was three years old.
After moving to Hanover from Colorado Springs, we heard from Ernie's mother that her son and family were moving back to Hanover, and she thought that Judy and I would enjoy each other.
That we did! There were so many things to do that were new for us. The closeness of the community was wonderful. Judy and I became terrific friends. Judy had a beautiful voice, and I played the piano, so Sunday morning at Hanover Community Church, Judy led the singing, I played the piano, and Neta Day played the organ.
Judy and I loved to sit down and visit while drinking a cup of coffee. Oh, my - we did love our coffee. Judy would tell me about the places they had lived and the things they had done.
In the fall was branding day at the Hammer Ranch. Everyone looked forward to this event, and my boys loved being part of it. Well, that is, everyone except Judy! She worked so hard to have tons of food ready for everyone and, as I remember, people like me took a few things, as did everyone attending. But, you know, by the end of the evening, everyone was talking about next year. The boys loved being part of branding and many other things, such as looking for new baby kittens, bottle feeding calves, and helping Judy pick things out of the garden.
In 1976, I was pregnant, and into our home came Todd. He and Judy formed a very loving and unique friendship. One Sunday, as Judy was leading the songs at Hanover Community Church, she asked if anyone had a favorite song they would like to sing. Todd raised his little hand (he was about 3) and said TH (he couldn't say Judy) heart, and she turned to the congregation and said in her sweet voice “Let's please turn to page 200 and sing “In My Heart There Rings A Melody.” She never cracked a smile!
Once a month we would try to go to Pueblo and do our grocery shopping for a month. Todd always wanted to be in Judy's cart, and so I was in the aisle next to them and I would hear Todd bark like a dog and this is what Judy told me, “Todd is a puppy, and I told him we were picking out breakfast cereal for Ernie, and if he thought I should get it he would bark one time, and if Ernie wouldn't like it he was to bark two times.” Oh, my goodness - what a great time for Todd. What a great friend!
When Todd was 5 and Justin 8, I made the decision to divorce the boys' dad. After much praying and talking with Judy, I finally made the decision to move back to Ness City, Kansas, my hometown. It seemed like about every evening I would get a phone call from Judy, and she would say supper is ready, come on over. Talk about friends – that was Judy and Ernie. One evening when we were at Judy and Ernie's, I mentioned I didn't know what we were going to do, and Judy and Ernie both said, “You can move in with us.” The boys thought that would be perfect. So, to them, everything was settled. Then I had to sit down with them and explain to them why that wouldn't work.
Our oldest son, Gerald, had moved to Ness City and was working on the farm for my brother (his uncle), and helping take care of his Grandpa (my Dad), who was terminally ill. His Grandma, my mother, had died in 1979. So, in the fall of 1982, with Judy's constant love and help, we loaded a U-Haul truck and the boys, and I headed for Ness City.
Life moved on, and I made many phone calls to Judy. We talked about everything. After we were settled and the kids were in school, I got a job, and it was hard to get away. But as happens, time moves on, and I have grandchildren, so I would load them up and off to Wild Horse we would go. Ernie would take the boys outside with him, and Judy and I would be ready for coffee and talking time. I was in seventh heaven.
In 1987 I married, John, a wonderful Christian man. Judy was very happy for me, and so was Ernie. They welcomed John with the same love that they had given me. We made several trips to Wild Horse, and always had a great time. We surprised them one Sunday morning and drove to Praise Fellowship Church in Eads. How much fun that was! We were able to see Judy and Ernie in 2023 several times. For that I am so thankful, and know that Judy is singing with that beautiful voice in heaven.
It is very hard to put into words how a 49-year friendship affects your life. The bonds of love that are formed are so special and sincere. Judy and Ernie's children and my children were friends, too, and it is great when I see them, and also receive Christmas cards and Facebook information.
Judy and I had years of the most wonderful, close friendship that I could ever ask for.