Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary April 9 meeting notes
Doris Lessenden
Madonna Pollreis arranged with the Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center for the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary to meet and then have a lovely lunch at the center April 9. The lunch was served to the following members: Alice Glover, Madonna Pollreis, Loretta Seibel, Linda Tropser, Betty Crow, Lola Igou, Opal Miner, Cleta Englehardt, Diana Pearcey, and staff Tonya Lane. Chef Christina Wolf and staff served such a lovely chicken fried steak dinner. They were glad to have Delores Rector sit with them since she had been an active member in past years. Diana is a new member. Persons may be and active member by paying $5 dues or an inactive member by paying $10. Our annual fundraiser is to host the Fall Bazaar. When $100.00 or more is donated in a person’s name, a gold plate is engraved and placed on the large entry way plaque.
Loretta Siebel gave the Treasurer’s Report. Linda Trosper said she would check with Ciara McCracken of the laundry department to see if there is a need for linens and such that we might help with. Several ladies volunteered to go to the nursing home the night of the 9th to play Bunco with the residents. We agreed to give Tonya Lane a hundred dollars to help buy plants for the patio pots for planting. Some residents like to water and tend the plants.
The ladies plan to help with buying and serving strawberry sodas for Mother’s Day. Tonya Lane of the activities department handed out April calendars and also a daily plan sheet for National Hospital Week, May 12-18. Several entertaining activities are planned for each day. The highlight will be a community barbeque Friday evening, May 18. Readers are welcome to come to the patio for the meal. In the event that it rains or is too windy, we will eat inside in the dining rooms or halls. Just get in line.
The business next meeting will be Tuesday, May 14 at 11:00 a.m. at JJ’s Restaurant. This is followed by lunch. Readers, please come if you would like to join our group or see what we are about.