Producers have until March 29th to enroll acreage in USDA’s General Conservation Reserve Program.
Participants: Rod Bain and Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Robert Bonnie
There is quick turnaround time for producers wishing to enroll acreage into USDA's latest conservation reserve program, General Sign-Up.
Enrollment for general CRP is open until March 29th.
Undersecretary for Farm Production and Conservation Robert Boddy says regarding available acreage for total CRP enrollment...
Cap is 27.5 million acres.
We're about 2.5 million acres, probably a little bit less than that shy of the cap right now.
Interested producers are encouraged to contact their local Farm Service Agency office for more information about CRP acreage enrollment, and not just for the general sign-up.
We have other ways that acres will come into the program through our continuous enrollments where producers in certain designated areas can come forward and sign up and then we'll have our grassland CRP.
The undersecretary adds this latest general CRP sign-up includes a Climate Smart practice incentive.
I'm Rob Bain reporting for the U.S.
Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C.