A part of the Plains experiencing snow drought this winter should see relief over the upcoming week through a series of snowstorms.
Participants: Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey
A byproduct of a continuing cold outbreak is expected to appear later this week.
And then on into next week is the potential for some significant snow across the northern United States.
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey says the first of two storms should reach the northern plains on Thursday, then the Great Lakes by Friday.
A second system should take a similar path over the weekend and early next week.
And that stripe of snow or two stripes of snow across the north are going to hit some areas that have been experiencing a winter-long snow drought.
We have seen parts of Minnesota, northern Iowa, into northern South Dakota and southeastern South Dakota that have received less than 10 inches of snow for the entire winter to date.
And that looks like it's going to change pretty dramatically with this two-storm punch over the next seven days.
With up to a foot or more of snow possible in those impacted areas.
I'm Rod Bain reporting for the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C.