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There's more good news on the food price front. 

Participants: Gary Crawford. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. USDA economist, Megan Sweitzer


I'm fairly confident that we're headed in the right direction.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack's reaction Thursday after looking at the latest Consumer Food Price Index report showing another month of zero grocery store food price inflation.

USDA economist Megan Schweitzer told us...

So this month in particular, we saw food at home prices were flat over the month.

And in fact, food at home prices have been flat for three out of the four most recent months.

And Ag Secretary Vilsack told reporters compared to prices one year ago...

The grocery store cost of food is now at an inflation rate of a little over 1 percent, which is well below the 20-year average for the inflation rate for food purchased from the grocery store.

USDA has been projecting that food prices on average at the grocery store will still be up only 1 percent from last year.

And in fact, some scenarios have prices dropping below 2023.

Gary Crawford reporting for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.