For $20, you could save the lives of your family
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Most people are aware of how critical smoke alarms are for home safety. Smoke alarms can give you and your family precious seconds or minutes to escape a burning home. Yet people overlook another critical home safety device which can be just as important.
Not long ago, one eastern Colorado family learned how crucial it is to have a carbon monoxide alarm – and to heed its warning. The family has asked us to withhold their name so readers will focus on the importance of the lesson they learned.

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While gas appliances such as furnaces and stoves can emit carbon monoxide at any time of year, the late fall and winter months can be particularly dangerous. At this time of year, people are beginning to stay inside their homes more often, and for longer times. It is also the time of year to light the gas furnaces so many people rely on to meet their home heating needs.
One evening, a family member heard their home carbon monoxide alarm beep – but assumed the batteries needed to be replaced. Since the day had been warm and windows had been open to enjoy the fresh air, replacing the batteries was put off for another time.
Later than night, a family member woke up feeling very sick, including vomiting and a tremendous headache. Symptoms were so severe, even attempting to crawl was impossible. The home’s gas furnace was malfunctioning and, as the family would later learn, emitting carbon monoxide.
Another family member, who was less affected by the carbon monoxide that was poisoning others in the house, also awoke to discover what was happening and bring everyone outside to safety.
Had the family stayed in the house just a few more minutes, the effects of carbon monoxide could have been fatal – numerous news articles published over the years confirm that.
Carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, and can silently kill an unsuspecting person – as it nearly did to this family.
Reputable brands of carbon monoxide alarms can be purchased for less than $20, and most – even with extra features – can be found under $40.
Having a carbon monoxide alarm – and heeding its warning – along with having gas appliances inspected and serviced, could save your life.