5 Straightforward Investing Tips for Beginners

Investing is one of the most rewarding practices you can partake in, and the sooner you choose to start putting aside money, the better. There are plenty of reasons to start investing; from tax advantages to retirement, you’ll be better off because you chose to invest. Use these simple investing tips to set yourself up for a more successful future.

Determine Your Goals

It’s important to figure out your investment goals before actually committing to anything. Whether you’re trying to buy a new home or retire early, it’s good to recognize these things early on. Use an investment calculator to help you determine how much money you would like to have saved by a specific time before making your first investment.

Diversify Your Portfolio

Diversifying your portfolio is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to investing. Start building a diverse portfolio by purchasing assets such as domestic stocks, bonds, short-term investments, and international stocks; it’ll be worth more in the long-run.

Understand Your Investments

When you first start investing, it can be easy to overthink the choices you make. The best thing you can do is invest in companies you have a solid understanding of. Renowned investor and business magnate Warren Buffett says, “if he’s not able to understand it [the business] in 10 minutes, he moves on to evaluate another company on this basis.”

Use Available Resources

Investing for the first time can be intimidating. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources available to first-time investors. Apps such as Acorns, Motif Explorer, and SigFig can assist you through the process. You’re not on this journey alone. Look for advice from other trustworthy investors and consider joining an investment club to learn more about investing techniques.

Be Patient

Once you start investing, you’ll want to watch your assets’ performance very closely. The nature of the stock market is comprised of constant ups and downs, but you don’t want to act fast. Commit to your stocks and be patient—you will not see high returns if you frequently buy and sell your investments.