About Town – April 22, 2019
“Let all that you do be done in love” I Corinthians 16:14
Some Eads senior citizens dined around pastel-clothed tables with darling ceramic bunny centerpieces last Wednesday to enjoy a ham dinner. These bunnies were crafted years ago by Eads ceramicists. Next month, Don McCoin, who won a big money prize at the Southeast Colorado Power Association dinner, is donating the beef for dinner which will be May 15. The Sage meal will be Wednesday, May 1, and the brunch will be May 2.
Forty years ago, in 1977, Jerry Adamson opened “Jerry’s Place” that was the former Eads Recreation Parlor.
Last Saturday was the Eads Prom, decorated around the theme of “Rustic Romance.” There was an attractive refreshment table that sponsors, Mrs. Sue Fox and Ms. Lindsay Todd, set up. George Medina of La Junta, a cousin of Junior Angel Medina, was their Deejay. A large number of families and community people came to observe and admire the handsome and lovely young men and women in their party attire. Blake Stoker was crowned King by Nickolas Epper. Nic crowned Emily Gyurman, the Prom Queen. The Royalty Court Attendants were seniors Reagen Johnson, Kaylee Wilson, and Hadlie Rittgers. The crown bearers were Presley McLoud and Maddox Kolb. The After-Prom Party was in the high school multi-purpose room where the senior parents had more foods, lots of games, and drawing for nice prizes. Those gifts were donated by a number of groups and individuals.
Dog races! Yes, the Fair Board is bringing dog races to town Saturday, April 27, beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Kiowa County Fair Grounds in Eads. There will be a Calcutta for dogs and a beer garden.
Bud and Dixie (Weber) Bennett daily fly six flags - as long as the wind isn’t too strong - on Maine Street. Currently Bud is displaying flags from his collection of over 300 countries in the world.
More families and youth are enjoying the beautiful new gold with purple accented playground park equipment that the Town of Eads employees erected. Thank you to Van Brown, Jesse Dienes, Paul Kelley, and possibly others.
Pastors Lane Gooden, Mark Imel, and Ernie Lambright led the community Good Friday services at the First Christian Church in Eads. Mary Eikner played a medley of hymns about the Cross on her flute. It was so moving and lovely. Another flautist we enjoyed in the 1990’s was Ian Davis, son of Gary and Cheryl Davis. The Ministerial Fellowship will host the Eads Baccalaureate Service May 19 at the United Methodist Church.
A number of folks gathered for Sunrise Service at the three crosses between the Eads Christian Church and Lane and Deborah Gooden’s home on Resurrection Sunday. Most churches had breakfasts and followed with worship services on Easter.
Lacy Lawrence drives daily from north of Kit Carson to work as a registered nurse for the Weisbrod Hospital District. One of her main responsibilities is the Patient Portal by Athena. It is a new service of Weisbrod and the clinic that reminds one of their appointments, lists all the medicines a person takes, and lists past and present patient’s illnesses and operations. Several people have told me that they looked up of some of their diagnosis to learn what it meant. Lacy is a cordial lady and wants the best for you.
Our Eads Eagle baseball team and the Eagle Track Team has been on the road a lot. They are performing well and are winding down in early May. The Academic-Athletic Awards Banquet is Monday, May 13.
George and Dorothy Ellicott returned recently from Arizona. They brought home large juicy grapefruits for some of their friends. Max and Donna Owens have returned from their lengthy travels around Texas.
Fifty years ago, Bernard Koch, then mayor of Eads, announced the rule that any dog running loose that wasn’t licensed and vaccinated would be impounded and destroyed. Sometimes we have similar problems today, but most people try to contain their dogs.
The best relief for aches and pains that I have found lately is a massage by Curtis Canopin! You don’t have to take your clothes off and the cost is minimal for the absolutely marvelous feeling you get. A person can make an appointment Wednesdays in the Demitasse gym, in Eads or at Dr. Oquist’s Chiropractic office Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Fridays in Lamar with Curtis Canopin. He is certified and well educated in several forms of massage.
Some of my family have found that it is a connivance to rent the Cobblestone Inn meeting room for parties and birthday gatherings. Last weekend, we celebrated Pam (P.J.) Lessenden’s and Sloan Sagner’s birthdays and had a good time there.
What a wonderful Easter Egg hunt the ladies organized on the courthouse lawn Saturday! It was so pretty to see the children and doting parents and grandparents. There was a life-sized bunny rabbit for families to take photos with their children. There also were competition games for the older youth afterwards. I learned later that policemen were friends of Mr. Bunny,
Madison Ullman, formerly of Eads, who will be graduating from the University of Texas May 9 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology.
Teacher of Hebrew, Liz Hulteen, surprised us again with awesome Persian and Israeli cookies. We were delighted to have a new student, Nola Engstrom.
Shalom, dear readers.