East End Events – April 30, 2019
Around 65 students and their dates, parents, and faculty enjoyed the Plainview prom dinner and dance at the KA Hall in Sheridan Lake Saturday evening. The theme was centered around Harry Potter, and it was fantastic, with fireplaces, dining hall, cobblestone cottage and a train crossing the bridge. The junior class, their sponsor, junior class parents, and others worked many hours to make this a "night to remember". The Grand March was followed by the crowning of the senior class royalty. Kayla Wanderlingh and Brittany Wilson were crowned queens and Benji Davis was crowned king.
After the dance, the students and their dates enjoyed "After Prom" activities put on by the senior class parents. Everyone had a great time. They would like to thank everyone who donated money and prizes to make this a fun time for the students.
A large crowd attended the dinner Sunday at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church, honoring the Plainview senior class.
The parts store in Sheridan Lake invited everyone to stop in last week and have cake in honor of Sherell Stum’s birthday. Congratulations, Sherell, on your 80th birthday, and we hope you have many more.
Linda Cochran and Connie Weber spent most of last week visiting their parents, Denis and Theresa Weber, and brother, Jerry Weber. While here, they also helped out by doing a few things around the house for their parents.
Susan Greenfield, Jeanie Smith, Paige Specht, Carol Allen, Misty Stum and Andrea went to Limon Friday to attend some educational classes They returned home Saturday.
Dennill Splitter and daughter, Ella, traveled to Salina, Kansas, over the weekend where Ella participated in the Kansas State Gymnastic Meet. Congratulations Ella!
Can you believe we only have three weeks of school left? Lots of things going on. Call the office to find out dates and times.
Have a great week!!