About Town – February 13, 2023
“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10: 27
This is the time of the year when families and fans of high school sports programs, such as basketball and wrestling ,are in full force, yet winding down towards regional finals to qualify for the state play-offs. Many games are so intense, like the Wiley-Eads boys game last week when the Eads boys won in the end. Meanwhile, the “Little Eagles” teams of grade school and junior high school students meet on some weekdays and especially weekends. The last few years there are many families in this area who travel long distances, mostly into Kansas, for their youth, mainly young girls to compete in gymnastics. Two girls who have excelled in this sport from Eads are Bella Adame and Brystol Bletzacker.
Happy birthday to Vern Harris of Sheridan Lake, who celebrated his 80th birthday. He was formerly one of our county commissioners who I observed to be a very caring and conscientious man working for the betterment of Kiowa County. He was in and around Eads nearly every day of his term.
Regional wrestling was held in Rye. Thanks to Sara Eikenberg, Eads fans could see some matches and photos of the County Line Rivals, which is a team that has wrestlers from Eads, Cheyenne Wells, Wiley, and McClave. Those young men who won a berth in the state tournament next week are Chasen Turner, Ty Michael, Keenan Smith, Brenden Reifenschneider, Spenser Uhland, and Daigin Adame.
For several years, I have admired the attractive two story homes that have been constructed and set up in Kit Carson. Now they are getting even more new homes painted in attractive colors. When they arrive, they are all wrapped in white plastic. After church, I drove around to look at them. This is mostly organized, arranged, and engineered under the leadership of Amy Johnson, ranch wife and outstanding leader. People who are interested to see the sites of these new homes could take a road trip to Kit Carson. While there, you could have ice cream or treats at the Wild Corner store on Main and Highway 287, or lunch at the Trading Post café from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. One could drive by the beautiful new school and play yard.
Priscilla Waggoner wrote an article several years ago about the love stories of some of our elder citizens. I want to list their names this week because some were my neighbors or people I admire and love. She first told about the well-known World War II veteran, Orville and Rita Mousel, who now live out in Kiowa Creek Estates; and Jimmy and Faye Bendorf of Eads, who are deceased now, and parents of those adorable blonde daughters, Terri, Trudy, and Linda. The next couple was our country neighbors, Art and June Blooding. They were parents of the pretty singing Blooding girls: Mickie, Shaleta, Areta, Mary, and Sylvia. Then she interviewed L.G. and Phyllis Vanderwork, formerly of Towner. Their daughter, Sylvia, is married to the Mayor of Eads, Joe Shields. Pinky and Mary Lou Williams of Brandon are loving southern folk who still are able to drive into Eads to shop and attend school events of their grandchildren. They raised wonderful children who live in our community, Pam (Gary) Crow of Eads, Mike (Debbie) Lening of Brandon and Craig (TyLyn) Williams of Brandon.
It is never too late to send or give flowers, candy, greeting cards, little gifts, or food, which you can buy right here in Eads. Do shop local - we could use the tax money for the improvement of our little town.
We extend our sympathy to Lora Kirby Lopez and LeRoy Kirby, whose mother, Neva, died recently. Neva and her husband brought their children up in Haswell to be wonderful individuals.
During our “At the Table” meeting in the Cobblestone Inn dining room last week, I observed that it takes a lot more employees to operate a 24 hour business than I realized. Currently, they have several workmen from area construction projects in adjoining counties who choose to live at the Cobblestone. That does help the economy, but also takes a lot of workers.to care for the rooms, food, desk, and maintain order. If you or someone else needs a job, maybe you could check them out. Also, it is interesting to read the job advertisements on the back pages of the local newspapers.
Our prayers are lifted up for the well-loved Sue Fox, who has been an educator at Eads Elementary and Eads High School for many years. The cancer has returned. Friends are raising funds for her future care.
It is good to have Kaylee Wilson home. She is doing her student teaching at Alta Vista. She also volunteers to coach Eads student sports.
Those of us who buy “meals on wheels” from Sage Services by ordering them from Areta Blooding-Laird receive a monthly menu with educational information. I thought this month’s suggestions could be helpful to everyone.
- Cook more, eat out less.
- Plan what you are going to eat.
- Focus on nutrition, not low cost foods.
- Shop for foods that are in season.
- Buy/Cook in bulk.
- Quench you thirst with water.
That makes good sense doesn’t it?
Happy Valentine’s Day….all week!