About Town – June 12, 2023
“A real friend sticks closer than a brother” Proverbs 18:34
I witnessed an example of this type of friendship last week at Weisbrod Hospital Extended Care Unit when I visited a lady on her 93rd birthday. She is a quiet lady, has no family, but she has a true friend who has apparently cared for her from afar for several years. The lady was visiting her that day. She had driven all the way from Fort Collins, and was going the drive back that same day! This lady cares enough about her former neighbor from the Arkansas Valley to have even arranged for her to live in Eads! Isn’t that beautiful? Yes, it is, because through the years, I have observed too many lonely elderly folk in elder homes wishing to see any relative. My heart aches for them.
Last week there was great activity on Maine Street in Eads! “Rapunzel” was the stage play brought to us by Betsy Barnett and the Crow Luther Cultural Events Center. It was a happy experience for 40 children and teenagers who acted, danced, and sang to and about the lovely Princess Rapunzel in the tower. Rapunzel was played by Itzy Ramirez and Charleigh Lowe. Before the show I asked Itzi if she could appear in her own long hair, but she said, “I have to wear a wig.” She and Charleigh did, and they were both lovely princesses. Adults from Missoula, Montana Children’s Theatre Company traveled here to select, train, and rehearse the youth in five day sessions with two performances Friday. Sean Kraft’s daughters, Zoie and Kendra, were very busy in the concession stand. I observed that board members, Connie Shotton, Claire Prince, Alicia James, Nicole Kepler, Marty Miller and others were very helpful during the week shepherding the children back and forth from to theatre to the senior citizen center for breaks and lunch. These are the names of the actors and actresses: Itzi Ramirez, Charleigh Lowe, Brazen Wollert, Tyler Ward, Tehya Graham, Silas Webster, Decca Brown, Brystal Bletzacker, Jacelyn Muth, Talia Webster, Robbie McDowell, Caleb Hoffman, Wyatt Van Campen, Gage Gibbs, Hudson Uhland, Devah Muth, Reona Eikenberg, Harper Uhland, Paycen Williams, Miranda Keplar, Autumn Lowe, Garren Wollert, Dekoda Lowe, Presley McLoud, Piper Uhland, Isaiah Rouse, Ramona Rouse, Tess Van Campen, Bay Rouse, Gracie Lynch, Carter Morlan, Brody Eikenberg, Claire Webster, Waylon Eikenberg, Kaleb Shotton, Jace Rouse, Charlie Prince, Taylor Uhland, Sawyer Uhland, Saylor Uhland, Tinley Uhland, and Brenley McLoud. Assistant Directors were Colin Nelson and Aubree Lane. The staff from Montana were Stevee Wittlieb, Atlas Kessinger, and Joseph Drummond.
It is common this time of the year to see lots of pickups and cattle trailers around the local cafes as men and women and youth helpers eat meals between branding sites.
Future Farmers of America students from around the state attended the state convention at Colorado State University in Pueblo last week. According to Eads FFA Advisor Justin Lenox, Maggie Haase and Katie Johnson earned their state degrees. He congratulated Shaine Winder, Lexi Shotton, and Jaden Self, who qualified and competed in state competitions. “It was a great convention.”
Congratulations to Elizabeth Kent of Kit Carson, who won the State Hoop Shoot competition by sinking 18 af 25 hoops - basketballs. She is the daughter of Chandler and Brianna (Kerfoot) Kent.
What fun it was the see those T-ball games last week after the rains stopped a while!
Our community was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Larry Michael last week. His graveside services will be at the Haswell Cemetery Friday at 10:00 a.m., which would have been his 76th birthday.
It is good to hear that Linda Trosper is back in their country home. She has had long sieges in hospitals. We hope to see her back in town soon.
The Eads Chamber of Commerce meeting was interesting last Wednesday. President Dennis Pearson, Jan (Danny) Richards, and Brandon Hoffman reported that the meal and fishing event for Kids Fishing Day at Jackson’s Pond went well. Brandon said, “Every kid got a prize.” Thanks to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife staff also. Cindy McLoud of the Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation gave a report on a program that our town could take advantage of. I can see such exciting possibilities for the future of Eads businesses. Cindy will do some more research for the next meeting, which will be July 5 at noon at JJ’s Restaurant.
It is so good to have Adam Watts back in Eads from Sterling. Call the Eastern Slope Rural Telephone number. We do welcome him and his wife, Shelby (Harris), who is a local nurse, and their two young sons to Eads.
A key thought in song and dialogue in the “Rapunzel” musical was “be kind.” That reminded me of being kind times that happened to others and me last week:
- Mrs. Gay Uhland, Eads Kindergarten teacher, and little students sent a packet of photos and letters to my nephew, Blake Stoker, who is in the Army somewhere near the Ukraine war. That was such a happy occurrence for Blake, who is from Haswell! She said they sent 16 letters this year to military people.
- Bill and Charlotte Woelk, who bring my mail right to my door!
- Alice Glover, when she served children at the senior citizen center.
- Naomi Phillips, when she made a cake with candles for Raylynn Riley to celebrate with Home Town Gas and Grill staff.
- Dally Lessenden and two lady friends “saved me” when oxygen tubing wound around my wheelchair wheel!
More next week! Adios!