About Town – June 19, 2023
“Timely advice is lovely like golden apples in a silver basket” Proverbs 25:11
People are still talking about their good memories of the stage play, “Rapunzel” that they enjoyed at the Plains Theatre last week. Forty or more children and teenagers presented the fairy tale production in songs, dancing, and acting. It is such a pleasure to know that we are having some cultural experiences in Eads. For many years, we used to drive to La Junta to the Picketwire Theatre to watch their fantastic musicals in the summer. I admire and commend the parents and grandparents who took their children to the theatre for five days in June for all day sessions of practice to perform the play. Glen and Deborah Davis were there the watch their three Webster grandchildren. Their parents have driven them to Eads from their ranch north west of Arlington on Adobe Creek for two years! I think their grandmother, Florris (Oswald) Crow, would be pleased. Florris was an Eads high school art teacher in the 1970s.
Summer weddings can be so lovely. My niece, Kristi, and her husband, Phil, have hosted six of their seven children’s weddings. It must take a lot of planning. I have heard positive comments and seen wonderful photos of Hadlie (Rittgers) and Trey McDowell’s wedding last week near Wiley, where they will live and work. There was a reception at the senior citizen center in Eads, and then an outdoor dance party partly in the rain, but on a hard wood floor that Trey arranged. What good memories. We do wish these young people blessings in their marriage and career life and their service to others.
Larry Michael had so many friends from his years of operating the truck stop, being the Mayor of Eads, school bus driver, helping people with plumbing problems, and just being a kind man to others. His children came to help with his household and possessions. They had good visiting times with relatives who came from West Virginias, Kansas, Texas, and other places to honor him while being buried in the Haswell Cemetery.
A very important time will be happening at the Praise Community Church in Eads next week when they host their annual Vacation Bible School. It will be June 27-29 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. Children in Kindergarten to fifth grade will learn Bible stories, do crafts, and have snacks too. Reserve a place by signing up online at https://www.vbspro.events/p/events/eads.
In Kit Carson, Trinity Lutheran Church hosted a five day Vacation Bible School with a theme of “God’s Champions.” Preschool through grade school students learned lively songs, memorized Bible verses, and learned Bible accounts about God’s champions in addition to completing meaningful crafts. Their closing service was especially memorable when the children followed teenage young men holding the Christian flag and the tall cross as the youth sang “Stand up, Stand up for Jesus.” The snacks were all created to illustrate the Bible story for the day. During the closing program, each student received a gold trophy with their name on it. It was a marvelous week!
Last Saturday was a wonderful sight to watch the young 4-H members compete in the pavilion at the Kiowa County fairgrounds in Eads. Extension Agent Tearle Lessenden and his assistant, Krystal Eikenberg, of the CSU Extension Office hosted the district horse show. There were many 4-H members there on fine-looking horses, performing for numerous onlookers from a six or seven county area. Last week, Tearle helped with the western art camp for 4-H members in La Junta and Rocky Ford.
When it isn’t raining, there are usually ball games at the baseball parks. We are just not used the all this rain, but we do welcome it. If you have time to watch some entertaining games, check the night sky to see if the lights are on, though the younger players may be starting to play at 4:00 p.m.
The Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met last week to hear an update on the needs of residents. Ladies volunteered the bring birthday gifts for the new residents. They were pleased the see how pretty the bedding flowers they bought for the patio are growing and blooming. Jaton Wallace shared with the ladies about plans for Father’s Day and other activities.
The Eads noon dinner for senior citizens is June 21, with foods a bit on the Latin American side. We have been having more friends come to dine and visit, which is so good for people to do. Remember the song from the 1950s, “People Need People?”
On our weekly trip to the Salvation Army store, we saw boxes and boxes leaning against the east outside wall of the building. Those workers really do need a metal container or two. Some people are down- sizing, some are moving here and there, some are moving to senior homes or elsewhere. Raylynn Riley, a lead volunteer at the store, says they have lots of vases and materials to use for exhibits for the Kiowa County Fair.
Last week, Nita (Boyher) Hess had a yard sale on Wanstead Street, and then took her remaining possessions on a U-Haul truck to Idaho to live near her daughter, who was driving her there. That is good. That is what the Bible tells us to do, to “take care of your parents.”