About Town – November 14, 2022
“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10
The Eads American Legion Post #125 Veterans’ dinner was especially wonderful this year. Jennifer Rittgers Schofield and her staff catered and served a fine pork loin or hamburger steak dinner November 11. Commander Dan Richards greeted the guests, mostly from Kiowa and Cheyenne Counties, and led the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence for Jay Scott who died during the year. I prayed an invocation and asked the people to sing “God Bless America” with me. Mr. Richards introduced guest Janelle Crow, who is Kiowa County’s new Veterans officer. She plans to keep office hours on the weekends and some days off from teaching at Alta Vista. Mr. Richards also commended Pat Benner Roper for her years of service in that office. The speaker, Gary J. Harbert, was very informative and encouraging when he talked about many different programs that veterans could apply for or find help for their situation. Veterans need to go to a Veterans Administration office once a year. This will also help guarantee that we can keep our veterans offices in Lamar and La Junta. Cindy McLoud, of the Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation talked about how the grants she secured have helped pay for improvements on the historic American Legion Hall. Richard Devin of the Department of American Legion gave many tips on where and how to seek assistance for health and mental health issues. Carole Spady and Michelle Nelson of the Haswell Prairie Quilters gave a heart-warming ceremony of tribute, honor, and military history of Walt Bates, Rich Glover, and Dwight Lessenden before they wrapped beautiful Quilts of Valor around their shoulders. The guests were very grateful to the hospitality of the American Legion Post, and most especially to Roland Sorensen, who has organized details for this dinner for many years, and to the Commander Dan Richards and his wife, Jan, who does the bookkeeping. Dan, Roland, and Areta Blooding-Laird were re-elected to their offices by the motion of Bill Woelk.
Gina DeBono Dechant has arranged a school assembly for the gifting ceremony of Quilts of Valor November 22 in the Kit Carson School at 1:00 p.m. by quilter Mary Rhoads. Recipients will be Tim Hogan, Kenneth Jacobs, Jim Randel, and Calvin Gaynor.
It was exciting to see purple and gold Eads Eagle flags waving at businesses up and down Maine Street to the Eads football field where many spectators went to cheer during the football quarter finals. In the end, Eads lost to Stratton, but it was a good year. The young men were coached by Trey Eder and Brian Bolander.
The Weisbrod Hospital and Nursing Home Auxiliary Bazaar is this Saturday, November 19, in the fairgrounds community building. Come shop, buy tickets for drawings, and/or buy lunch from the 4-H Cloverbuds.
“The Chosen,” a movie from the time of Jesus, will be shown this weekend in the Plains Theatre.
We extend our sympathy to the brothers and sister of Steve Myers, including Neil Myers of Eads. Steve died in Stratford, Texas, recently. His graveside funeral services will be held November 16, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. at the Eads Cemetery.
Congratulations to Austin Adamson, Lamar educator, who was recognized as the Colorado Coach of the Year for girls softball. Austin is an Eads High School graduate and son of Darryl and Mandy Adamson of Eads.
Congratulations to Rachel Bletzacher, who received her Nurse Practitioner credentials in July 2022. She will pursue her role as Weisbrod as the director of nurses and a clinic provider.
Fun and exciting elementary football and volleyball games and matches have happened Saturdays this fall. The coaches of third and fourth grade volleyball were Samantha Courkamp and Magdalen Haase. Chad Rouse and Chance Fowler coached third and fourth grade boys football, and Kyle Barnett coached third and fourth grade flag football. Thank you to these coaches for sharing their valuable time and talent.
Jeff and Barb Scranton of Eads have begun another work enterprise, and that is buying houses to restore them to rent them. This is helping our lack of housing. They have two homes in Eads and two in Lamar.
Torrie Uhland, an Eads High School and Colorado State University graduate, writes articles about farm and ranch economics that must be interesting for area farmers and ranchers.
November 16, the local mental health office will begin to sponsor a weekly coffee hour, Community Conversations, from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. at the Cobblestone Inn. Let’s go.
Also come to the noon Thanksgiving dinner at the Eads Citizen Senior Center. Haswell’s senior meal is November 16 at 5:30 p.m.
Congratulations to Pat White of Hugo, who recently retired as CEO of Eastern Slope Rural Telephone Association after 39 years. Welcome to the new CEO, Bradley Welp.
Jim Baxter is busier than usual with one of his businesses in Anchorage, Alaska, plowing snow.
Plan to attend the festivities December 3 for “Merry on Maine” Eads. There will be lots of holiday vendors, music, games, fun. lighting of the tree, and the Parade of Lights.