American Legion Post 125 hosts annual Veterans Day dinner
American Legion Post #125 held their annual meeting and dinner at the Kiowa County Community Building in Eads Veterans Day, November 11.
Commander Dan Richards opened the meeting after the dinner. Minutes of the previous meeting and financial report was given and approved by the Legion members.
There were several guest speakers for the evening. District Commander Richard Devlin was present and gave a short presentation. The next speaker was Lamar Veterans Service Officer Gary Harbert, who gave a presentation on the benefits that are available to veterans, and encouraged all the veterans to sign up at the Veterans Administration Clinic in Lamar.
Cindy McLoud from the Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation spoke next, and gave an update on a grant that was obtained for renovations to the Legion Hall building. Construction is expected to begin in the spring.
Carole Spady and Michelle Nelson were in attendance to present three Quilts of Valor to local veterans Walter Bates, Dwight Lessenden, and Richard Glover.
Following the presentations, current officers Dan Richards, Roland Sorensen and Areta Blooding-Laird were reelected for coming year and the meeting adjourned.