About Town – November 6, 2023
“A Friend Loves at all times.” Proverbs 17:17
Different types of Halloween and fall fun activities happened around the county in each community. In Haswell there have not been “many trick or treat” children for several years. The older young adults remember with great relish the fun nights at Vigil and Wanda Lessenden’s ranch Quonset, where they had games and haunted places to explore, plus bobbing for apples and good foods. So, in an attempt to get more entertaining times back for the locals and the “new” people who have moved in to town, Town Secretary Pam Lessenden rallied the people to make “Haswellites to fix treats and then to turn on their house lights.” Plus, she advertised in Eads. One of our sweet nurses took her four little children over even though she just didn’t know anything about Haswell. There was a great turnout of people Sunday night. Also, over at Sheridan Lake where it was equally as frigid, there was the Harris Pumpkin Farm activities that carried on with a hayride into the Sheridan Lake Bible Church for a chili cookoff and tasty desserts. Prairie Pines Assisted Living Community in Eads hosted their great “Trunk or Treat” and the 5K run. The residents enjoyed painting pumpkins from Crow’s Stop ‘n Shop, which Jaton Wallace placed on the circumference of the flower pond. Earlier in the week, she had no doubt spent hours and hours with her hand tools to cut, sand, and paint two large boards about 18x24” that she painted black. It was great for the Weisbrod resident’s to watch their little third grade adopted grandchildren trace the shape of one hand, which became a ghost gown - they added eyes, designs, and color with colored chalks. Jaton set the boards out in the patio for decorations. The residents really did enjoy watching Chalene Gifford’s third grade children and interacting with them. This is a valuable and memorable program for all the people involved. Afterward, when we were reflecting on what a grand afternoon it was to see and watch the vibrant polite little third graders, Bob Miller said, “You know, we need to pray for the little children.”
For several years I used to park my van along the children’s costume parade route. It was nice this year to see them in person! What precious, beautiful children we have in our school!
Eads Eagle fans like to watch their little children. So it was a real treat to watch about 30 little cheerleaders perform during halftime of the football game. A big thanks goes to Chelsie Davis for all her time and efforts to teach the young girls.
Trice and Brittanie Watts of Leoti, Kansas, took a honeymoon trip to Iceland. Best wishes to this dear couple.
We have had the message from Becky Ogle of Texas that her dear brother, Howard Hooker, died after suffering from Alzhiemers for some time.
The CSU Extension office hosted the annual 4-H Achievement Banquet Sunday evening. Congratulations to Reona Ryana Eikenberg, who received $100 from Farm Credit of Southern Colorado as junior member. Congratulations to Mia Crow on the Intermediate Outstanding Member award. Kailyn Londo received the Outstanding Senior Member Award. Both young ladies received $100 from 21st Century Equipment Corporation. The council members, their parents, and the 4-H office staff - Krystal Eikenberg and Tearle Lessenden - prepared and served the banquet meal for a lovely finish to the 4-H year.
The Eads senior citizen’s brunch was a pleasant time, as usual, to enjoy visiting over warm and delicious breakfast-lunch foods that keep us well filled until dinner or supper time. Remember to circle your calendar for brunch on the first Wednesday of the month and lunch on the third Wednesday of the month. November 15 will be our Thanksgiving lunch.
Amid some of the largest snowflakes I have ever seen. Joe McCaleb took a great photo of the Buck’s corn harvesting crew with his floating drone.
It is good to see the Chamber of Commerce welcome photo to another new businesses, Ranahan Electric, owned by Remington Brandt and Cory Miller. These two young men have been educated in the cities, and have chosen to return to their home town to operate their thriving business. Their office is on Highway 287 in Eads.
Invitations have been sent out for the Veteran’s Dinner November 11. We are also having an 80th birthday party for my brother, Dwight Lessenden, that afternoon at the Haswell School. He is not only our younger brother, but we praise God that he survived Vietnam war and came back to us.