About Town – November 7, 2022
“The Lord longs to be gracious to you.” Isaiah 30:18
The annual Weisbrod family Thanksgiving dinner was held this year in a new site, in the Eads Senior Citizen Center. Activity Director Jaton (King) Wallace was pleased to see how Gail Voss and Lonnie Hier had beautifully decorated the rooms with fall arrangements, with Pilgrim ceramic figures on the yellow and orange tables. Jaton and staff brought in extra tables and chairs to fill the south room to be ready when the dietary staff brought in the sumptuous meal they had prepared.
The senior center is a busy place these days. Monday night, the Farm Bureau had their annual fall banquet in the center. More people are going on the first Monday and third Wednesday evenings to play cards at the center. For more details, one can check with Dana Brown, Loretta Seibl, or Gail Voss.
People certainly enjoyed the monthly brunch last Thursday. December 1, we will need people to work together to cook, serve, and clean up after the bunch since Gail will be in South Dakota to help her son, Brett, and Stephanie Rusher, as a cook for the men and women who work the buffalo on the ranch.
Last weekend, the teams who competed in the Future Business Leaders of America volleyball tournament fundraiser had a good time renewing friendships and re-awakening their volleyball skills. The champion team players were Kenan and Ashley Gooden, Rhailie Rittgers, Kaycee Elllenberger, Kaylee Wilson, and Porter Spady. The FBLA Sponsor, Denise Nelson, would remind you that a 2021-2022 yearbook can be purchased from her in the business department, classroom 205 at Eads High School.
The annual 4-H banquet was prepared and served by 4-H families Sunday evening in the community building. Extension Agent Tearle Lessenden and his assistant, Krystal Eikenberg, have been working for months to bring this event to fruition. It is always a pleasure to see the awards given and the members who won them. Alexa Nelson of Haswell and a senior at Karval High School recently returned from the National Congress in Chicago, which is the ultimate goal of many 4-H members. A huge thank you goes to all the men and women and businesses who donated money and or time to fund prizes or teach to make the 4-H program even more excellent. Their motto is “We Rise by Lifting Others.” The top member plaques were awarded to Junior, Tinley Lawrence; Intermediate, Clayton Nelson; and to Senior, Taygen Ferris. Ms. Eikenberg explained the selection process and read comments from teacher’s letters of recommendations. Many members received belt buckles, plaques, money prizes, or certificates.
The Eads Eagle sports teams and fans experienced a whirlwind of games over the weekend. There were several regional matches among schools Friday. Eads won in their regional at Merino, where they played Sangre De Christo and Merino. The Kit Carson Wildcat team won and will be playing in the state tournament next weekend also. Saturday, the Eads Eagle football team played in Walden against North Park near the Medicine Bow Mountains in cold and very snowy weather. They won 75-26, qualifying to play in quarter finals this week.
Joey’s Tacos food truck will continue to be parked in the roadside park in Eads on Highway 287-96 on Mondays. I had heard that their tacos were super. They were correct, and so reasonably priced! We will be back. Jose’s sons said that they may be there on other weekdays too.
Another small business is the Maine Scoop Ice Cream Shoppe that is opened Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at 4:00 p.m. The new ice cream freezer machine makes much firmer ice cream, which the employee can decorate with a variety of toppings. We like to go about 6:00 p.m. to enjoy the ice cream and watch people going into the movies.
Marty Barnett and employees smoothed out more cement last week after a big truck brought loads of more cement. They also made short ramp-like ways into the business places.
At times is looks as if there is a meeting happening in the Bransgrove Building when one observes all the cars parked outside. It is some of the people who are taking advantage of Claire Prince’s exercise classes upstairs at various times of the day and evening.
Time is flying by; soon it will be December 3. The Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center group will host “Merry on Maine.” Here is your opportunity to shop at food and goods vendor booths, take part in Corn Hole tournaments, or take your children to the Kids Zone for fun from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. We look forward to watching the talent show. You do not have to be a pro, just share your talent! Think about getting your little ones, teens, or senior citizens together in groups or as individuals to sing, dance, or perform a holiday skit, song, or dance.
National Coaches Day was a few weeks ago. Dara Randel of Kit Carson shared these qualities that coaches work to develop in our youth from elementary school and up: skills, sharing, experience, development, guidance, support, mentor, learn, teach, success. Please think about a coach in your past who made a positive impression on you. If he or she is alive, it would be nice if you would call or write to tell them of your appreciation.
Be thankful.