About Town – September 11, 2023
“Be careful then, how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of time, because these days are evil.” Ephesians 5: 15
We citizens who are interested in 4-H are grateful to read the results of the 4-H members whose projects merited a place to be judged at the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo. Extension Agent Tearle Lessenden and Administrative Assistant Krystal Eikenberg have worked hard to transport the projects to and from the fair and to display them at the Kiowa County Fair. Be sure to look for the 12 or more Champion and Reserve Grand Champion ribbons which were awarded to Kiowa County members. Most of our 4-H members placed in the top ten of all projects. The names of the five Champions are Alexa Nelson, Jett Dienes, Aspen Nelson, Tinley Lawrence, and Clayton Nelson.
Every week, readers of the Kiowa County Press look forward to seeing the new photo on the cover, often taken by the editor of the Press. Last week, it was the slope of Highway 287 where it passes under the railroad. The banner reads, in large letters, “Kiowa County Fair Sept. 6-9.”
People have asked me, “Who is this Jack Johnson who writes a column in the Eads newspapers?” Jack grew up on a ranch in the Wild Horse Area, went to school there, then graduated from Kit Carson High School and Colorado State University. He spent most of his career working in Africa and Asian countries. He is a good cook of foreign foods which he treats his Trinity Lutheran friends with and others.
It was painful for my friend, Robin Musgrave, and I not going to Kit Carson Day and missing their terrific barbeque and parade. I was sad also to miss Jared Weeks’ concert in the park Sunday, but he and his friend, Chloe Willey, came to visit me Monday. They flew here from Arcadia, California, to visit family and friends. Then he drove them around to visit both sets of his grandparents, D. L. and Judy Weeks and Kenny and Judy Jacobs, at their farms. Jared graduated from San Diego College of Music last year and works there. He continues to send recordings of the hymns to Pastor Barton and Betsy Evans. Each week, Pastor selects hymns for the Lamar and Kit Carson Lutheran Churches so we can have our hymns played by Jared.
The Eads Eagle football team has been practicing in this hot weather and giving strong effort in their weekly games. Most of the players are younger classmen. The names of our players are Weston Mitchek, Alyex Egley, Gabe Hadley, Ryan Lando, Jaden Self, Karsten Buller, Johnny Velasquez, Shaine Winder, Adyen Hough, Jayden Bletzacker, Tayden Smith, Stockon Mitchek, Keenan Smith, Spencer Uhland, Kaiden Dunlap, and Nathan Lowe. The coaches are Trey Eder and Brian Bohlander.
It is a great relief for family and friends of Carrie and Greg Neal of Eads to know that Carrie (Roberson) Neal has delivered her triplet babies quite early, so they are very tiny. Please friends, pray for this couple. I do hope that many people through the years will take time to volunteer and help these new parents and encourage them. Just think, one baby is a great responsibility and takes so much time .. and with three – please lend a helping hand!
Mark your calendars to attend the Down East Boys gospel concert at Praise Community Church in Eads October 22.
A noon dinner was held at Praise Community Church before the funeral for Lill Penn. She had family members who traveled long distances come to honor her. They all wore shades of blue, Lill’s favorite. It was a joy for me to have her daughter, Debra (Penn) Immer, visit me Sunday. Her adult daughters, Shelly and Cari, came to also to remember some good times we shared in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, vacation Bible schools, and school activities.
Walt Immer attended the Weisbrod “church” with Pastors Lane and Deborah Gooden Sunday. What a blessing it was and, most especially, to see Pastor Gooden able to walk and be well again after his hospital stays. Miracles do happen. I do believe that!
Friends of Sarah Seibel Ferris are glad that she moved from Kansas to Kit Carson to be nearer her Eads grandchildren. Since she has a part time job in Eads, we will get to see her more. She was delighted to see them Gymkhana in Eads Sunday where her grandchildren, the Princess and Prince of the Fair, rode horses. Braya and Braxton are outstanding riders and competitors on their horses.
Tim Hier hosted a block party Labor Day evening. His Independence Day block party that he hosted with his grandson was so popular that even more folks came, bringing their food for the potluck and fellowship. Tim is so congenial that when he handed out posters, I heard some people say to him, “I don’t live on your block, Tim,” and he replied with a big smile, “That’s okay, come any way.”
Virgyln and I surely enjoyed a visiting her niece, Rhonda Griswould, who came down to visit. Since Rhonda had to retire after having severe COVID, she has started to do artwork in acrylics and glass. I told her that she is gifted.