About Town – September 14, 2020
“God has made everything beautiful in its time.”
That was true in Kiowa County last week. One of the best natural happenings is that we had two days of cool foggy weather with some moisture for our dry brown land. The sunsets and sunrises are more beautiful than usual because of the drifting smoke from forest fires on the west coast and our Colorado mountains plus we had snow!
Because of the cold weather, men and women of the Kit Carson – Eads VFW Post dined at the Eads senior center after Richard Glover had cooked beef, pork, and chicken entrée’s all day plus his specialty, home-made pineapple ice cream to add to the pot luck supper.
The Kiowa County Fair Board of President, David Walker; Vice President, Tyler Hainer; Secretary, Dawn Back; Open Class Liaison, Areta Laird; Vendor Liaison, Cindy Pitman; Junior Livestock Liaison, Bobby Sinka; and board members Cody Fox, Talli Lane, and Jenifer Weber, are to be commended for their work and service in organizing the fair. It must have taken hours to plan and enforce all those new rules having to do with new parking places, seating, social distancing, and other rules to guard against the possible spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
Outside the south entrance of the grandstand is a metal plaque with names of the board responsible for its construction in 1945 to 1946: E.E. Hooker, P.L. Reed, E. T. Hawthorne, Engineer—F.W. Musselman, and Welder—Clark Howell. Since the 1940s, the commissioners have had the outside painted a deep red and the bleachers painted white.
Floyd and Phyllis Griswould enjoyed the county fair events while they were the house guests of Phil and Madonna Pollreis.
The Rodeo Royalty who served this year are the lovely Queen, Kiya Leonard; Princess, Braya Ferris; and Tiny Tot Princess, Bella Adame. The 2021 Royalty court was presented at the Friday Rodeo. They are Queen, Kiya Leonard; Princess, Braya Ferris; and, for the first time in our history, we have a Prince—Braxton Ferris!
The livestock sale Friday of the FFA and 4-H members was well attended by hundreds of buyers and onlookers who were supplied with programs listing the members and grand and reserve champion. Thank you to Lowell and Joyce Johnston of Arlington for handing their program to me. These are the top prize winners: Beef Grand Champion, Aubrey Mitchek; Reserve champion, Stockton Mitchek; ADG Champion, Gaige Rittgers; Reserve ADG, Zoie Arnold-Kraft; Koree Ellenberger had the Grand Champion sheep; and Alexa Nelson showed the Reserve Champion Sheep. The ADG Champion was Hatch Nelson, and Alyxx Egley showed the ADG Reserve Champion sheep. Of the large goat class, Spencer Uhland captured Grand Champion with Koree Ellenberger receiving Reserve Champion and Spencer Uhland had the ADG Champion Goat. Aspen Nelson received Grand Champion for her pen of poultry. Alyexa Nelson Showed the Grand Champion Rabbit and Ty Wilson received Grand Champion in the Swine class. Rooney Fehr donated his rooster proceeds to the 4-H Council. Congratulations to the students and members on their dedication and admirable work with their animals.
Many families had outings over the Labor Day weekend. The most outstanding memory for me was having many of my Griswould-Buck relatives visit me. Especially my great niece, Rachel (Buck) and Bryan Mattuski, who brought their five month old twins and son, Peyton, for me to see. Babies Wyatt and Willa are so darling with such dark hair and black eyes. What a blessing, but, oh, I can see that twins take so much time to care for!
Marty Guy of Montrose made his annual trek to the fair and to visit his Eads High School friends. He said he really missed going to the annual breakfast on Maine Street. I agreed with him, too, because that has long been my favorite time. Maybe next year we can have it again.
There were fine food vendors at the fair, including the 4-H concession stand orchestrated by the Trosper family, Russ Watson family Smokin’ BBQ that was next to the Glode’s Thailand food. Downtown at the Scoop ice cream shop, Charlie and Mary Vasquez served their tasty Mexican entrées. Friday, employees of the KVAY radio station served free hamburgers with cheese, vegetables, and beans, and decorated cake. The four restaurants offered special meals also.
The parade Saturday was a pleasure to many, but what a huge surprise for many people, for when we thought the parade was over, here came many vehicles for a Trump parade! There were trucks, snazzy autos, golf carts, a big pontoon boat of people, horses, and more. Wow, what a joyful, musical, Trump parade! We need to have a volunteer for next year to organize an auto show for our parade. Please call the commissioners’ office or Dawn Back of the fair board, if you are willing, by April 1, 2021, for printing in the premium book.
Cindy McLoud had a booth showing some of her specialty T-shirts that she prints to sell in her Treasure Shop on Highway 287, as well as a pretty float in the parade for her antique store. She was glad to have her son, Remington, and his wife, Cami, and granddaughter visit her shop Friday. Outside the Treasure Shop, she has many plants for sale also.
Readers, there is an urgent need for more housing to rent or for sale in Eads.