About Town
“In the Garden”—And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. And the Joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known.” This is a favorite hymn of many folk.
Through the week, those who had the pleasure to see the Presentation (Grand March) of the Eads High School students at the prom probably recalled memories of how really beautifully the whole length of the gym was decorated in the Great Gatsby theme. Somehow, the Junior Class took apart a large pointed roof carport and then set it up in the gym; then decorated it with tulle fabric, lots of sparkly beads, and blue twinkly lights so the student couples could walk through it into the spotlight. Thank you, to the junior parents who helped the class to decorate and have a really special evening. Also, “thank you” to the groups and individuals who donated money and gifts for the After-Prom Party. This is one of the top three prettiest proms in my memory, (1961, 1976, and 2018). Other nice happenings were that Chelsea Davis and Whitney Barnett served a lovely meal in the Demitasse Shop and Jennifer Schofield served meals in JJ’s Ranch House for prom couples while some families prepared meals at home for their teenagers.
Last Sunday evening there was a large crowd of movie goers who went to see, “Paul, Apostle of Christ” which was “free” since the United Methodist Church congregation did pay for the admission that night for each person. There were people at the theatre from Lamar, Wiley, Sheridan Lake, Kit Carson, Haswell, and other towns.
When I went to look at the FFA barnyard Thursday. It was so interesting even though it was cold and windy. The student guides the hour I went were Trevor Randel and Colby Stoker who informed me about those darling animals in pens. Then I drove around the really huge green monster sized $500,000.00 tractor attached to a really long fold up drill and big container for seeds with an auger. The student guides were Zach Haase and Blake Stoker that hour who were adept in answering my questions.
Irene Harms was really looking forward to a visit from her brother and sister-in-law last week from Missouri. When they came, they brought 17 afghans crocheted by her other sister-in-law, Peggy King of Kansas City. The residents and employees were so proud and happy to show us their beautiful new blankets at coffee hour. What a generous loving gift this lady, Peggy, gave to others out of love for her sister-in-law, Irene, and her friends in Prairie Pines.
Our community is in sorrow for the loss of Charlotte Phillips who is known around here for her compassion and years of caring service in the Social Services office and the Salvation Army store and caring out gift buying for the Angel Tree gifts for families. Our sympathy is extended to her children, Ronnie, Justin, Teresa, and Steve and their families and extended relatives. It was a very large funeral.
Marty Miller and John Negley were among those who went to the funeral of Jane Lujan in Albuquerque, New Mexico and spent time with her husband, Kelly, and his family and all four of his brothers and to see his mother, Rose.
I received a photo invitation from Calvin Ullman, who will be graduating from Texas A &M in College Station with a Bachelor’s of Science degree and Industrial and Systems Engineering. Calvin will also be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. Calvin attended Eads Elementary until his parents, Mike and Tammy, took jobs in Texas.
I really do like to watch the Eads baseball team play ball. They have had a winning season under head coach Chad Rouse. The track teams are coached by Mrs. Stephanie Bohlander and Mr. Trey Eder and are competing well at their meets.
This coming weekend, “The Winning Season” will be shown at the Plains Theatre. It is about a high school volleyball team and is quite highly acclaimed.
The VALE Board of the Town of Eads met and was pleased to have Sheriff Casey Sheridan come to visit with them. He shared many interesting happenings and facts about his department. Since Avery Snover’s career goal is law enforcement he is gaining training on protocols before he goes to the academy. When asked about the skunk problem, the sheriff said, “If a skunk is out in day time, the animal is most probably rabid.” He said that the state doesn’t even test skunks from Kiowa County any more. The state’s comment is to just get rid of them. So, citizens can call the Sheriff’s office. Also, the Wild Life department helps move them. When asked about the marijuana situation, he said indeed it is a dilemma. There are not so many infractions by local people; it is more people going through the county. Our Sheriff said he is working with Superintendent Smith and the teachers to make the school safer. They have had a lock down and practiced methods to help the teachers and students know how to hide more safely and how to protect themselves.
Lawrence Oswald sent me some thoughts written by billionaire Steve Jobs before he died. Here is a wise admonition: “Treasure love for your family, love your spouse, and love for your friends. Treat yourself well and cherish others.”