About Town – August 12, 2024
“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.” Romans 12: 12
Take a moment to read the verse above. How true this verse is from Romans. Even though I read the Bible daily, it seems frequently I read a verse that causes me to pause and think, “why didn’t I see that before?” There is always hope!
Last Monday morning started off with a bang. The 4-H annual Achievement Day was held at the Eads Senior Citizen Center. When I rolled downtown that morning, there were so many vehicles parked along Maine Street. There were even more in the evening to see the exhibits, fashion show, and the food auction. Extension agent Tearle Lessenden told me later that people were generous. “We made over $1,000 dollars for 4-H members and the youth who walked around showing us their delicious baked product or canned goods. Many of these better projects get to be exhibited at the Colorado State Fair. It was nice to see how Tearle and his assistant, Krystal Eikenberg, included so many members in presentation roles. I hope you all will go see them at the county fair. I saw a cluster of six posters related to events at the fair in Eads September 8-14
Stacy and Monica Uhland and many of their relatives were in Amarillo, Texas, over last weekend to attend the wedding of their first son, Rhett Uhland, to Nicole from the San Luis Valley in southern Colorado. Rhett and Nicole were students at West Texas State College in Canon. Rhett has a very successful dance band where he plays concerts or dances most every weekend.
Best wishes to our local lawyer and former county judge, Gary Davis. He is retiring after 32 years as our lawyer and county judge. Thank you to Gary and his wife, Cheryl. Governor Polis announced Wednesday the appointment of Pamela Johnston of Arlington to the Kiowa County Court.

Loretta Seibel of Eads had a marvelous 87th birthday, which she celebrated with 74 of her children and grandchildren at a lovely new resort in Larkspur. I am eager to see a photo of my former student friends.
Joann Harris, wife of Vern Harris of Sheridan Lake, appreciated the cards she received while celebrating her 80thbirthday. Bill and Charlotte Woelk remember her as their 10-year-old candle lighter at their wedding. She was Charlotte’s student then. Joann’s aunt, Mary Marble, now living in the Prairie Pines Assisted Living facility, will be 100 August 11. Both are so grateful for all the cards and good wishes they have received.
Isn’t it amazing how time flies? Yes, and how we humans ought to enjoy and treasure each moment, each day, each year. It hurts my heart when I learn of another of one our student friends dies.
One evening last week, Bernice (Criswell) Carlock of Swink called me, leaving a message inquiring about the death of Charles Crow since her niece, Eilene, had texted her. I didn’t know at the time, but quickly researched my Eads Eagle Alumni Book that had the alphabetized lists of Eads graduates Marty Miller designed several years ago to find her address. Bernice was in the class of 1939. Such vitality Bernice has! She was sad to know that Charles had passed away. His funeral was at the Eads Community Church Tuesday
Leanna Collins came to visit last Monday, and was telling us that she and her father, Bob Woods, drove to near Oklahoma City where her sister, Sherri, and Jim Lyons celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. I was amazed! Where did 50 years go? Sheri was one of my star science fair students when I first started that program. Then I quickly recall Chuck Bowen, Ted Abrams, Mike Shotton, Gary Shotton, Mike Abrams, Joe Brenton, and others. Those are good memories of sponsoring students to Boulder to participate in the Colorado-Wyoming state science fairs.
Barbara Diel called me recently. She went to Denver to live with her daughter, Ginger, where she stays about two months, and then stays in Greeley with her daughter, Kassie. Her son, Stan, and his wife came from Virginia last year to visit his family in Colorado. I remember what fun and competitions Stan’s friends, Bill Dawson and Mike Thomas, had in surprise tactics while campaigning for Stan to be elected student council president. They made school lively and a lot to fun to be there.
There were baby showers recently at the Eads Senior Citizen Center for Zack Fowler and his bride, and for the former Megan Buck and her husband. Our community does wish these young couples God’s blessings for their families.
The former Kelley hardware store has a newly constructed store front, with large windows trimmed in white and beige to make a wonderful improvement to Maine Street. Do stop into the newly remodeled restaurant across from GNBank through the north entrance to Claire Lane’s Café Bean.
Remember that senior citizens are invited to the taco bar August 21 at noon in Eads. That evening, Pam Lessenden will be coordinating a good meal and time at the Haswell Center.
Congratulations to the Don and Esther McCoin, who celebrated 77 years of marriage last month.
The Christian Church family had a fun time bowling in Lamar, and supper at McDonald’s last Sunday.
Congratulations to Emily Jones, one of our outstanding day nurses, who recently passed her state qualifying test.