About Town – December 11, 2023
Jesus said, “I urge you, first of all to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” I Timothy 2:1
At the time of this writing, people are in the state of anticipation for the Christmas “Merry on Maine” festivities. So, next week I will tell you more about some of the fun and entertaining events. I was pleased to see that more decorations were up and around town this week. Russ Watson, irector of the emergency department, told me that the fire department would have a fire truck on Maine near the senior citizen center where the annual chili supper by the firefighters will be held. According to Eads Chamber of Commerce President Dennis Pearson, the chamber met at JJ’s Restaurant Wednesday for their December meeting and to fill treat sacks for Santa to give out to children.
I was thrilled, from where I live, to see the basketball games from the Border War in Kansas streamed on our large television. We can look forward to seeing the three games three nights-days next week of the Holiday Tournament in Lamar on television.
I heard good reports about our Eads wrestlers, who practice with and travel as part of the County Line Rivals wrestling team with Wiley. This weekend, the Rivals will be competing in the Limon Wrestling Tournament.
Pam and Shane Lessenden involved their five grandchildren in decorating for the Haswell Community Santa party last weekend. Their son, Shane, brought his three children down from Fort Morgan to have cousin time with Saige and Sloan and their grandparents and great grandparents, both sets of the Lessendens.
Congratulations to Butch and Brenda Roberson on their 50th wedding anniversary celebration last week. Their family told them to dress up so that they could take families photos at the senior citizen center in Eads. That is the way they enticed them off their ranch north of Chivington.
The Weisbrod Hospital employees enjoyed their annual dinner party last Saturday. They had entertaining team games, and decorated pretty Christmas trees that were later set up around the hospital and Extended Care Unit. Olivia Medina won the trip for two to Avon, which they tell me is a lovely place. Olivia is such a pleasant and very capable C.N.A. who has enough dual credits to graduate from Lamar Community College before she graduates from Lamar High School next spring.
It was surprising to hear that nine small tornados set down in the Sweet Water Lake area the first week of December. No damages were reported.
It is so pretty to see the street and store building decorations about town. We are grateful to people who take the time and go to the expense of putting up decorations outside their homes.
Isn’t it marvelous that the Eads and McClave Schools received $50,000 for the excellence in science of their students? At Eads, it is possible that some money may be invested in more programs and equipment to enhance science studies.
Senior citizens in the Eads area: remember that the last lunch meeting of the year is December 20 at noon. This is a basket dinner for one to bring a potluck dish, or donate money as you sign in. We are glad that Gail Voss is back from South Dakota after helping with the buffalo roundup at the ranch her son manages.
Linda Trosper brought her tall husband, Bill, to assist in hanging the pretty Christmas Scotty dog- themed quilt that was made for Scotty Englehardt of Haswell. His mother, Cleta Englehardt, brought it over for residents and others to enjoy through the holiday season. Bill lifted figurines up on a shelf for Linda. People are always glad to see this nice couple.
It is good to read Colorado State Senator Pelton’s news items in both our local newspapers. Senator Pelton, who is from Cheyenne Wells, works to represent the feelings and standards of people in this area. The Senator points out that almost 60 percent of the Colorado voters against Proposition HH. However, I heard that four minutes after the defeat was announced, Governor Polis called a special session. If you have not taken time to read Senator Pelton’s articles, I think you would be glad to be informed of his point of view.
Some 1999 Eads students’ research papers on Kiowa County history have been published this fall. It is so wonderful to read about the history of families and incidents in our county. Sometimes I think, “that would make a good movie!” I do remember that those students were so enjoyable to know as students. Some of the writers of history who have been published are, Matthew Bain, Michael Zimmerman, Timmy Trosper, Grady Weeks, and others.
The Kit Carson volunteers who helped set up the time with Santa Claus and vendors in and around the historic saloon really showed the children and community a good time December 3.
The Praise Community Church ladies had a Christmas event Sunday afternoon for women of area Assembly of God churches and, that evening, they hosted a cookie exchange for ladies in the community.
Pastor Lane Gooden visited at Weisbrod and Prairie Pines Assisted Living Community during their church hours Sunday afternoon. Pre-school teachers Tina (Walker) Kraft and Leisha (Peck) Walsh bought their pre-school students to sing Christmas songs to the residents.