About Town - January 28, 2018
“Do not forget to do good and to share with others,” Hebrews 13:16
Irene Harms, formerly of Eads and from western Nebraska, died January 7. At first, I knew her when she attended the Methodist Church and was Verna Ebright’s neighbor. But when she moved to the Prairie Pines, I learned what a dear lady she was at Bible studies. She grew up in the Mennonite Church and she loved to sing in harmony. One of her best joys was to have visits from her granddaughter, Keri (Kevin) Brown and their young children who live in Eads.
The Eads Future Farmers of America chapter attended the National Western Stock Show in Denver last Wednesday. Jennifer Schofield and her son, Jonah, left earlier than the bus did with the students because they needed to be at the awards ceremony at an earlier hour for Jonah to receive his grant award. Last year Jonah applied and received a similar grant from the Colorado FFA Foundation with which he bought an Angus heifer that he is raising. This year after he applied, the FFA Foundation honored his application with another grant to buy a bull. I have heard that Jonah spends a lot of evenings and nights out at the FFA farm southeast of town. This is the season that the student’s animals are having lots of babies, especially the goats.
Because of the snow last Thursday, the dignitaries who were coming from Denver to present the National Award to the students in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades could not get to Eads. Therefore, the all-school and community assembly was postponed and is rescheduled for January 29 at 2:00 p.m. Please consider going to the high school gymnasium so you can be a witness to this great group of students who have won this national award for the third year in a row!
What a wonderful surprise visit Mandy (Weirich) Adamson, and I and probably other people around Eads had when Bill and Aurelia Dawson of Des Moines, Iowa, dropped by Friday morning. He always goes to the cemetery to visit his mother, as well as Tootie’s grave and his other friends who have died since he was here the last time, like his teacher, Mr. Jacob Diel. Bill still flies shiny black helicopters. This was always his passion since he was a student at EHS in the late 70’s. Then Bill served in the Army as a pilot and now in retirement flies in the midwest for Mercy Hospital out of Iowa. He has always loved this county and friends around here.
We extend our sympathy to the families of J. D. Wilson of Sheridan Lake who died last Sunday. His wife, Barbara, and children, Scott, Cheryl, Sandra, Jay, and JoDell, will miss him a lot. He was such a good man and served as our county commissioner. His large funeral was held in Lamar.
What and unusual week this has been for us with two separate snow days! It was a blessing that Tim Sawyer came both days in his red and black truck without me even calling him. He and Aiden and Ty Michael scooped the snow away the first day. It was a blessing for me and for many other people about town! I am also very grateful for people who have brought me foods, mail, and did other helpful things for me when I have been staying inside most days for two weeks.
Weisbrod Extended Care Unit and Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center are under “cold and flu protocol” which means they are not encouraging visitors and people to come to either facility. Those who go there should wear masks, which are provided. Phil Pollreis was invited to the Pines Thursday where he played music and sang with his guitar and one-man-band instrument for about two hours.
Saturday, February 2, there will be a Valentine Extravaganza (mini-bazaar) at the Cobblestone Inn in Eads. This is hosted by Pam Lessenden and Matea (Mayo) Lane for people to buy pre-Valentine gifts. I hear that there are lovely displays of Valentine gifts at the HealthMart, and be sure to check out the Demitasse and Crow’s Stop and Shop on Maine Street
Eads Eagle fans who have to stay home from basketball games really do appreciate the businesses that pay for the broadcasts of games and wrestling matches. It was good to hear Cory Allen Forgue announce the games Thursday when the Wiley Panthers came to Eads. Our Eads wrestling team went to Kiowa last Saturday.
We are blessed to have Chiropractor, Dr. Sean Oquist, hold office hours in Eads at Weisbrod on Wednesdays. When I make my once or twice a month trip to Dr. Oquist for an adjustment, I often see people from both ends of the county, a lot from Kit Carson, and other places. They must know that having an adjustment once a month helps maintain better health.
I heard our former undersheriff, Jake Six, being interviewed on the radio. He is the youngest sheriff in Colorado, and won the election over six other men in Bent County. He and one of his deputies grew up in Las Animas and are eager to serve in their home town even though they are facing some challenges.
I am surprised that many people do not know about our fine Salvation Army store on Highway 287. The volunteer workers are so helpful to shoppers every Saturday.