About Town – July 22, 2024
“Do not cast me off in my old age; do not forsake me when my strength is spent.” Psalm 71.9 (NRSTUE)
The comforting thought about the scripture above is that God is always with you, even in the most difficult times. We have found that living at Prairie Pines or/and Weisbrod’s Extended Care Unit is quite pleasant and really the good life. I have often said to others it is a matter attitude. I mean that your attitude helps with how one lives or copes with life. We have the good life here in southeastern Colorado, especially in Eads. Just ask Shirley Watts, who celebrated several days of parties with different sets of friends who have made her 83rd birthday more memorable. I think she had more smiles when telling us about her dinner party at her daughter, Connie’s, home where she watched the little great great grandsons and daughters play in the pretty water tub slide. Connie and Neal Richardson’s son, Wesley, and family came from Alamosa, and their daughter, Jamie, and family came from Colorado Springs to celebrate and play in the golf tournament Saturday.
Thursday, some of the Weisbrod staff gathered for cake and ice cream, and to say goodbye and thank you to Leannna Brown on her retirement. Leanna was a reliable nurse aide and cook’s helper since she was in high school in Eads.
Every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. is the coffee hour in the large dining room where Linda Hopkins passes out copies of our local newspapers, and we have a good time with whoever comes to visit over a beverage and treat. We would welcome friends to join us.
Once a month we also have dinner theatre in the small dining room where Jaton Wallace and her sons, Tucker and Asher, read the script of a play. They are high school boys who we enjoy seeing.
Each Sunday at 1:30 or 2:00 p.m. one of the churches’ representatives come to share with us. Last week, Annetta Maxcy came from the Baptist Church. The topic and theme of Annetta’s music was on “endurance,” during which she shared scriptures and Bible references The walls reverberated with her powerful piano playing!
Monday morning, my sister and I had a surprise visit from our three girl cousins: the Matthews girls, Kimberly, Kelly, and Kim, all from Colorado Springs. Kimberly has three daughters. Kelly has two daughters and a son, and Kyla has a son and daughter. Kim and Kelly graduated from Kit Carson, and Kyla graduated from Eads High School. It was a joyful time of visiting, and especially to share facts and stories about our Austrian heritage on our Pollreis side of the family.
During the week, Linda Trosper favored us with a visit and bringing a bright green “Veggie Tails” child’s blanket to display in the dining room. Then she attended the Hospital Auxiliary monthly meeting. We are helping Jaton and Linda Hopkins to host a “Patient Appreciation” day and casino night August 21, with games in the late afternoon and entertainment at dinner time.
A large number of people came to the monthly dinner at the Eads Senior Citizen Center Wednesday. They voted to accept the updated changes to the center’s bylaws as presented by Dana Brown and Sylvia weeks at the last meeting. Gail Voss, our director, fried very delicious chicken for us, along with mashed potatoes and gravy that was served by Gail, Tom Barton, Mary Englehardt, Sylvia Weeks, and others.
Kaylee Lenox is one of our CNAs who has told me about some her families’ adventures when they went to Nebraska, Pueblo, and Greeley, where her husband, Jason, has driven in auto derbies. Jason is our local Future Farmers of America instructor. He does a good job in Eads, but also at those big city places where he is the promotor! Now that makes me proud of our hometown boy.
Last Wednesday was Grandparent’s Day at the library’s summer reading program. I was glad my sister could go to watch four of her little great great grandchildren. Our community is grateful to the Librarians, Kemma Alfano and Valorie Briggs, and all those fine volunteers who help them host this outstanding educational program for our children.
When I read the results of the primary voting in Colorado, I was both shocked and disappointed! The fact was that the statistics appeared to show that less than half of those ballots were returned in all the counties listed in both our local newspapers. It causes one to wonder, “Are these people lazy or uncommitted to their rights? Or just not care to vote?” One person said to me, “Well, if they don’t vote, then they just do not have any right to complain.” I was then thinking those people would probably complain anyway, and a lot! I Hope and pray that people who are eligible to vote will do so because every vote cast is so very important! We need to care and to encourage others to take time to vote.
I want to thank Monte Billheimer, President of the Kiowa County Fire District’s board of directors, for writing a letter for the people to understand reasons for why we did not get to have official fireworks in Eads this year. Also, we say thank you to A.J. McCracken, Eunice Weber, Braden Dunlap, and Josh Vanderpool for serving us on the board for our protection.