Flags in front of the Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. The building is surrounded by trees.

Kiowa County Resolution No. 2019-6

Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen

Resolution No. 2019-6


WHEREAS, Kiowa County residents and visitors enjoy abundant outdoor recreational opportunities, especially viewing, photographing and hunting Colorado's large populations of deer, elk and moose (which have recently been successfully reintroduced into this area); and

WHEREAS, livestock production and outdoor recreational activities are two of the primary components of the Colorado economy, and are a major contributor to the economic and social wellbeing of Kiowa County; and

WHEREAS, wolves preying on wildlife and domestic livestock is a serious problem that Colorado shouldn't invite, encourage or accept; and

WHEREAS, in addition to the negative economic and social impacts of wolf reintroduction, wolves pose a danger to the physical threat to household pets and people and through transmission of diseases; and

WHEREAS, ongoing private efforts to reintroduce wolves into Colorado are unnecessary based upon the scientific input from the federal and state agencies tasked with managing wildlife populations; and

WHEREAS, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission passed Resolution 16-01 opposing the intentional release of any wolves into Colorado;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Kiowa County, Colorado (the "Board"), as follows:

A. The Board opposes any efforts to introduce or expand the populations of wolves into Colorado; and

B. The Board supports the position taken by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife m its Resolution 16-01; and

C. The Board supports delisting of all wolf species under the Endangered Species Act to allow management of wolves at the state and local levels; and

D. The Board requests that any federal or state wolf management plans include funding to offset the negative impacts of wolves on livestock, wildlife management, hunting and other adversely affected sectors of local economies; and

E. The Board supports efforts to include a requirement that any publicly funded or sponsored wolf education programs include comprehensive and balanced discussions about the impacts of wolves on local economies, and include the perspective of livestock producers, hunters, and public health officials.

Adopted by the Kiowa County Board of Commissioners this 12th day of December 2019

Richard Scott, Chairman

Howard "Butch" Robertson

Donald Oswald


Delisa Weeks, Clerk & Recorder