About Town – June 24, 2024
“Those who trust in the Lord. will find new strength. They will soar high on wings of eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not grow faint.” Isaiah 40:31
The scripture above was the favorite of some Eads Eagle athletes in the past, and I hope they have carried this truth on in their daily lives.
Last week was a joyful week in Kit Carson, where we hosted a large Vacation Bible School at Trinity Lutheran Church. The adult teachers or assistants were Tracey Weeks, Betsy Evans, Sara Crawford, Laura Negley, Jennifer Crowell, Miriam Echols, Eleanor DeChant, Pastor Tom Barton, Rod and Judy Houser, and me. We were blessed with many teen helpers who have assisted as we teach many truths from the Bible scriptures. Another assistant was a former member, Jared Weeks, who still shares his musical talent by recording via cell phone each week to play the hymns for VBS and church worship, which are played at Trinity and Grace Lutheran in Lamar each week. Isn’t technology wonderful? Our mission was to give money to pay for monthly gift boxes to United States soldiers overseas. The women in the Arapahoe community have done this project for many years, and postage is growing more expensive each year.
Eads senior citizens met for lunch Wednesday. This month, the main dish was a taco bar with lots of condiments and desserts. Gail Voss, director, and President Sylvia Weeks, prepared meat fillings of beef, buffalo, and chicken. July 17, Gail will prepare fried chicken, and we will have a traditional July meal. Sylvia Weeks and Dana Brown presented the results of the committee work to update the constitution. It will be voted on next month after people have read it on the entryway table. Loretta Seibel has been our Vice President ,and served as President several terms, is stepping down. She has been very helpful and vital to the senior citizens as a leader, and we do heartily thank her. Mary Ellen Englehart was unanimously voted to be the Vice President to fulfill Loretta’s term. The group voted to have their regular brunch July 4. There will be a children’s parade that day at 10:00 a.m. It is a short time frame. Usually, the younger set and their parents enjoy the games and festivities in the park so the seniors can come to enjoy brunch in the center. Card games are played at the center two times a month in the evening.
Over at Haswell, the seniors met for their monthly dinner at the senior center last Wednesday evening. Their Director, Pam Lessenden, said they planned to grill hamburgers and hot dogs to enjoy with the side dishes that the other seniors brought. These seniors meet in the former school, where they have tables and chairs to dine around, as well as soft couches. Couches are also in the piano room, where they can visit or play cards and games if they wish. These rooms are particularly hospitable when families are hosted there after a funeral in the gymnasium. This is such a fine place for community events, like holidays, bazaars, or wedding parties. If anyone wishes to donate to the upkeep of the center, it would really be a great help for such community events.
It warms my heart when I hear or read about generous individuals who have enjoyed their childhood in a certain place, and they donate to the leaders who are trying to carry on. One example of this is that over the last several years, Tonya and Gay Everist, formerly of Kit Carson, have sent money to support our Vacation Bible School at Trinity Lutheran Church. They are the daughters of Jaryl and the late Kenny Everist, and the granddaughters of Red and Glaida Craven, who are still warmly remembered by many friends.
It was announced that Phil (Pony Kidd) and Madonna (Wissel) Pollreis’ youngest son, Ray, age 64, died. Their address is 7717 South Newland St., Littleton, CO 80128
The new duplex near the hospital looks more attractive now that the driveways are newly paved. Next step will be planting grass. This type of housing is very important for the operation of our hospital and care facility. Sometimes we have travel nurses or specialists for various departments who need housing. We have a pleasant CAN nurse who drives from Tribune, Kansas, three days a week. Brenda Leon brings a pretty grey and white dog, Ava, who is a trained therapy dog. Just today she picked up a tube of Avon lotion and a green “Delisa Weeks” pen without me asking! We really do like to have her around these halls.
Many people have been praying for our friend, Ryan Trosper, and family, son of Bill and Linda Trosper. Wildfires have burned 1,400 or more structures as of last Wednesday in Ruidoso, New Mexico. The college that Ryan is the president of is safe so far.
This is the time of year when some youngsters and some teens are on sports travel teams. Other children and teens are involved in the summer baseball games held in most towns mostly in June. Some youths are involved by playing on travel teams. I have heard that these teams may travel to several states and it is very expensive to pay for uniforms, equipment, travel, hotels, and other needs.
Pray for rain.