About Town – May 27, 2024
“Do not be conformed to this world; but transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by trusting you may discern what is the will of God.” ROMANS 12:2
That verse and other verses have been sustaining me the last three days since I had the impression that I was being hacked. Afterwards, one of my nieces told me, “Do not be so Trusting!” Another niece told me “Do not open any E-mail you don’t know the person.” That was the problem I assume - I am trusting and I was standing up for myself. I had opened a email that stated I was now enrolled in a program. Because I did not want to be a part of this program, I called the number listed. That is where he snagged me, and I answered his questions and gave him too much information. When he asked me to open an account and not tell anyone the reason why. I told him that “I am a Christian and cannot tell a lie.” When I asked him his name he told me a very American name in an accent that I thought was from a country like India. At that point I may have accidently pushed a button and lost contact, but I think God made that move. So I quickly called my bank to close my account. Then next day I called my good and trusted friend, Jeanne Sorensen to tell her that my computer seemed normal Tuesday morning but now was blocked, and not responding at all. She said, “I’ll be there in two seconds, and you must call the Sheriff’s office right now to report this.” I share this with you, my reader friends, although I am very embarrassed to tell you the truth of my plight. I did not know. Young friends have been educated in school and know so much more than we older people. I am so very thankful for our wonderful bank employees because they quickly helped me secure my accounts. And the nice Sheriff Deputy assured me that they get similar calls all the time - but it is still rather traumatic to live through. Again, I repeat, “I am so glad I live in the small town of Eads!”
The highlight of last week was all the fun activities and the leadership staff and Jaton Wallace and Linda Hopkins planned for us to enjoy during National Hospital Week. Many of the staff dressed in comical costumes during the week, yet carried on their regular duties. The week climaxed with a pork loin barbecue sandwiches, baked beans, potato salad, corn on the cob, and other desserts and foods served on the patio. Our new fulltime doctor, Erick Ritch, and his wife were here visiting with the people. People were glad to visit also with PA Morgan King and other staff. I was pleased to see more hospital board members there than in other years. I was great to watch Jaton’s sons, Tucker and Asher, and other helpers with the carnival games on the lawn. At the end of the evening, CEO Beth Bell and CFO Shannon Dixon announced that about $9,000 was earned in the silent auction. They presented the marvelous bags and boxes of great and fabulous treasures to those who bid and paid the most.
We lost one of our residents, Ethel Ferris. It was so nice that all of her children, Dennis, Annette, Stephanie, and Lorene, were here for two days bringing gifts, foods, and good visits with their father, Ronald, also.
Eads was represented well at the Colorado state track meet by Tailee Weeks-Johnson, Anna Wollert, Kennedy Gyrman, Madison McDowell, Connor Lynch, Stockton Mitchek, Brentley Lening, Porter Spady, Kennan Smith, and Anthony Paez. Their coaches are Trey Eder, Kaylee Wilson, and Stephanie Bohlander. For many years, I have admired Coach Stephanie Bohlander when she is interviewed for news, she had such positive points to say about each of her athletes. Also, at the awards banquet, her awards and reports on the students are so glowing and complimentary!
I have heard such good reports about the Kids’ Fishing Day out at the Jackson’s Pond last Sunday. This is the first time in many years I have not been able to drive out to watch the happy happenings! One of my nurses said her little boy caught seven fish! The CPW officers gave them such long poles. Thank you to the Chamber of Commerce, which supplied and cooked the lunch. The Chamber meets next June 6 at noon at JJ’s Restaurant. Citizens and businesspeople are most welcome
Alice Glover wrote a note about spending a great week with three of her sisters in a Colorado Springs Airbnb. It was great to celebrate Barbara’s 90th birthday, reminiscing about their childhood, playing games, eating out, and seeing lots of family members. Jane Steimitz came from Venita, Oregon, and Margaret Holmes came from Seattle, Washington. Their brother-in-law, Craig Hood, and wife, Mel, and her daughter-in-law, Shelsi Anderson, joined the group. Alice was glad her daughters, Peggy and Patty, came for two days.
We do appreciate that Bill and Linda Trosper come once or twice a month to change decorations for the quilt rack area in the dining room at Weisbrod. They are such cheery people to visit with.