Person standing in a wheat field using a tablet device with agriculture icons imposed

Ag stats: Wyoming crop progress and condition report – week ending April 3, 2022

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Precipitation remained below normal for the majority of Wyoming for the week ending April 3, 2022, according to the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Temperatures were above average. In some areas of the southwest, temperatures averaged as much as five degrees above average.

According to the United States Drought Monitor released on March 31, 2022, the amount of land rated as abnormally dry was 2.8 percent, unchanged from the previous week. Moderate drought was present across 36.3 percent of the State, down slightly from 36.6 percent last week. Severe drought covered 40.9 percent of the State, up from 40.6 percent last week. Extreme drought conditions remained unchanged from last week covering 20.0 percent of the State.

In Goshen County, temperatures were mild allowing farmers to perform many field activities. Rain and snow showers benefited pastures and rangeland.

In Weston County, moisture has been insignificant and water reserves remained low. Grasses were greening but not growing. Wildlife was seen remaining near livestock later than is typical.

A reporter in Lincoln County noted that snow pack levels were low and more precipitation was needed. Low elevation snowpack was melting and kept farmers from their fields. Farmers were concerned given the outlook for a dry year.

In Niobrara County, the minor amounts of precipitation received were dried out by winds.

Hay and roughage supplies for Wyoming were rated 22 percent very short, 39 percent short, 38 percent adequate and 1 percent surplus compared to 23 percent very short, 30 percent short, and 47 percent adequate last month.

Stock water supplies across Wyoming were rated 10 percent very short, 29 percent short, 60 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus compared to 5 percent very short, 38 percent short, 56 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus for March.

Irrigation water supplies were rated 4 percent very poor, 41 percent poor, 42 percent fair, and 13 percent good.

Cattle death loss was rated as 1 percent heavy, 75 percent average, and 24 percent light.

Sheep death loss was rated as 1 percent heavy, 72 percent average, and 27 percent light.